Chapter 1

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"daddy can you tell me the story of jeffry woods" You asked your father "All the kids in 3rd Grade Are talking about it,even Big Sister Grace...but everytime I asked Grace to tell me the story she says I'm to young,....." You pouted to your Father your arms Crossed like you were actually upset.

Your father look at you and Smirked "Well Grace has a Point...Your only 4 years old You'll end up Having nightmare Terrors," he replied Kindly,Your father spoiled you Alot,he was the Funniest and funnest Person in Your life,so whenever ,Grace or anyone else said no,You'd run to your Father who always said 'yes',But not this Time "I bet I won't have nightmares.... It's just a Story...i-isn't it?" You said as you Grew a little Scared,but you hid your fright,if dad saw that you were scared of a story...that you haven't even heard Yet,He'll be sure to Say No.

"That's the thing kiddo,i Can't tell you the story,Because it's true....And everyone who Knows about Jeffrey Wood's full story Goes missing.... Spiritually" he tried to explain without using the words 'gets murdered' but of course you didn't understand what he meant "What?" You asked cocking your head sideways Confused "People who knows about Jeffrey's full story....Is errr....COUGH killed COUGH" he said Whispered Trying to Hide the truth,He was Worried you'd get to deep into the story,but it was to already were.

"DID YOU SAY KILLED" you yelled More excited then Scared,your father shushed you as quick as possible "Alright fine... here's the deal... Go put your Ladybug pajamas on,and I'll meet you in Your room to tell you the story...Deal?" He smiled,your eyes widened with glee "DEAAAAL!"~ you Tried to sing,before Running upstairs,you Put on your PJ's and afterwards brushed your teeth,Just as you Crawled into Bed,You Heard a Sounded like Grace,You gasped Jumping outta bed you Sprinted to Your sister's room "G-gra-" you said her name,as you saw Your sister Dead laying in a Pool of her own Blood,as Your eyes widened to see Jeff standing Above her,Of course you didn't know who he was... Because your father hasn't told you Anything about the story yet,The figure had pale white skin,a Bloody smile Carved into his face,Black skinny jeans a Lightly shaded grey Jacket,and long Raven Black hair,He eyelids,He Held a Large Butcher Knife in his Hand,75% of his Clothes was Covered in Blood stains,But for some Reason...You weren't Scared,He just slaughter your sister and is now standing over her, with a Delicious Grin on his Face,But you just stood there in the doorway...staring,You didn't cry,Scream,Run, just Stared at him,Barely Blinking,He licked the Blood off his Knife,Untill he finally noticed you...You were kinda short so it took him a while.

"H-Hello Sir!" You giggled stepping into your deceased sisters Room now that you were Noticed,Jeff ((Wished he had eyebrows so he could furrow them)) Stepped over the Dead body "Why hello You little motherfucker" he replied confused,His voice was Sharp and Raspy "Why Aren't you Afraid of me!" He snapped at you,You Flinched back "B-because I've witnessed Murder before..."

"How is that even a Valid Point?!" He hissed at you "Who did you witness Die and how!" He asked Trying to frown the Best he Could.

"W-well my mother..she Slipped And Broke her Neck...I watched the Whole Thing..heh it was Actually Kinda Funny...She was Shoveling snow when outta nowhere she Slipped and Screamed in was hilarious,But eventually I went to Go get dad....

After we got to the Hospital Mom kept saying I Laughed at Her when she Fell...Dad didn't believe her..and I couldn't let him..So..After dad left to Use the Restroom I Grabbed a pair of Scissors And Stabbed her in The Neck 3 Times..,and afterwards I Left and ran to the RestRooms as well,i waited 3 Minutes To be sure I Wouldn't Get Caught....and my Dad still doesn't suspect me being the mass Murderer of my Mother" You said,

He laughed Psychotically "Nicely done you lil Shit!" He said,with the exception of Him calling you a 'lil shit' he Reminded you of your Father,The way he Congratulated you made you feel good inside. "Hey is your Dad still Here?" Jeff asked
"Y-Yea.....Why do you ask?" You said Nervous,you felt like you knew what Jeff was Planning,"it's almost midnight..Don't you think it's Time for him to....Go to sleep? " Jeff Protested,fiddling with his Knife With an aggressive Grin.

You didn't Know what that Meant But you Did a Swift nod anyways "Yes I do...!" You smiled Pretending to understand what Jeff Meant
"Greaaat" he Replied"Well then let's go....." Jeff said with a Harsh Snicker under The Breath "O-Okay Jeff" You Stuttered,He hmmed Mimicking Before he Zoomed pass,You Barely Saw Him Go pass,Hearing Incredibly Speedy Footsteps Going down the stairs and within 15 Seconds you Heard The Sound of Glass break and a scream,Afterwards you Heard a Loud thump Noise,You Raced downstairs in the kitchen to see Your father in His own Pool of Blood,...Just like Grace,

Jeff Licked His Knife,..There was Glass Floating Around in his blood you Grabbed a Scalpel from off the Livingroom table then went back to the kitchen ,'Jeff must have Hit dad in the Head with a Glass Cup' you thought As you Stepped up To you Father's Corpse,He breathed Heavily before Slowly Facing you "Dad...I was the one who Killed Mom...And it's my Fault your Dying...And I'm the one who-" You Stopped your Sentence and Stabbed Him in the Side of the Throat "-Killed you..." you Smiled Finishing you Sentence "Be a good father and Go to hell for me won't you" You murmured Before Digging the Scalpel deeper Until he stopped Breathing...

You looked up at Jeff and Playfully Mimicked him 'Licking the Scalpel',You Heard him Snicker Before Grabbing you By the Arm "What's you name?" He Asked "Y/n!" You Giggle Bubbly "Well Y/n How Would you like to Live with me and My other Friends?" He asked Smiling,//Wishing he Had Eyebrows// "I'd Love to!" You Screamed Getting hyped,You Noticed Jeff Cringed at How loud you were,But little did he know You weren't Screaming...

[[Heh excuse me having such terrible Story telling,i have heard I'm naturally bad at Writing but I hope you enjoy this first page,Also I plan on making second page soon but until then sit tight <3]]

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