Something Isn't Right With Us

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Lately I feel as if me and Alex are becoming more distant. I also feel like he doesn't love me anymore. He's always on his phone and when I talked to him he ignores. He leaves to go out and doesn't even tell me or says goodbye. We've been arguing a lot also. I'm not liking this feeling.I'm not liking how it is between us at the moment. I heard the door opening and I knew it was Alex.

"Hey babe" I peck his check

He just nods and doesn't even look at me. This made me mad but I didn't say anything. He sat on the couch while I made us supper. 20mins later I call him to come eat. He doesn't get up. I take his plate and bring it to him.

"Here's your fucking food" I slam the utensils on the table
"Why are you slamming shit?"

I don't answer him and go sit in the kitchen by myself and go on my phone. I see Alex getting up and walking up to me. He wraps his arms around me and I shrug him off.

"Y/n what's wrong?" I don't answer
"Hellooo" he waves his hand in front of my face

He takes my phone away.

"What the fuck" I say
"Youre not talking to me"
"How bout me Alex? You haven't  been talking to me. I've been trying to give you attention but you fucking ignore me"

He didn't say anything he just looked at me. My eyes started to water.

"Why?! Why do you ignore me all the fucking time?! You cheating on me?! You texting some girl?! You can go be with her cause she's obviously more important than I am!"

I saw the anger building up inside of him. When he gets angry he gets physical and it's not a good thing. But at this point I really don't give a shit.

" Fucking answer my question Alex! Are you cheating on me?"

Once again no answer.

"I fucking knew it. You're a fucking asshole."

"How am I an asshole!?"

" lie to me 24/7, sneak out, 3. You're mean to me all the time..Do you even love me?"

Tears were running down my face now and my heart was racing.

"We need to stop seeing each other. No I can't take it anymore we need to breakup. Just leave Alex."

He just stood there and it was pissing me off.

"ALEX GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I got really close to him and pushed him.

He got pissed and grab me. He slammed me against the wall. I whimpered cause I hurt myself. I was sobbing now begging him to leave. He let me go, grabbed his jacket and left. This is why I we needed to end things.

This was shit but hope u still liked it lmao

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