•Back To You•

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They broke up. They've moved on...so they say to people. They've both met someone knew who they think they are happy with...


I sit on my balcony late at night. Looking at New York City. I love  the way the city lights shine at night I find it calming for some reason. There's a cool breeze, it's cold,but not cold enough for me to get a sweater. I'm looking up at the stars, blunt in my hand. I feel relaxed. I haven't felt like this in awhile. I also haven't felt that happy either to be honest. I feel my girlfriend's petite hands snake around me.

"Long day?" She said in a soft tone. She kissed my neck with her soft lips.

"No just felt like smoking today"

I thought for a little bit. Y/n also had petite hands and soft lips. I kinda miss her. I miss her hugs,kisses,her laugh. I was able to smoke with her and chill. I can't do that with Laila. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with Laila...or maybe I'm not. I don't fucking  know. The passionate sex with Y/n was amazing. Laila and I barely have sex and when we do,it's always rough.  I don't mind rough sex but I do like some passionate sometimes. I think I want Y/n back. I doubt she'll want me back anyways. I saw her with her new boyfriend she looks so happy now. She won't want me...


It's late and I can't sleep. I've been stressed all day. Actually I've been stressed LATELY. I roll myself a joint and light it. That first puff calmed me down. I sink into my bed and close my eyes. My boyfriend hates it when I smoke but he's not here so fuck it. That just reminded me, Alex and I would smoke all the time when we were dating. I enjoyed that, we would just sit there and chill, talk about all the things in life. I miss that. Now that I think of it, I miss a lot of things about Alex. The way he would look away when he would get embarrassed, his cute laugh, our little moments, the times where we would just lay in bed for hours and do nothing but cuddle. He made me happy. My boyfriend Ryan makes me happy but not same type of happiness Alex made me feel. I havent havent been feeling so good lately. All Ryan cares about is his fucking work. Now, i know that sounded selfish but it came out wrong. Like obvisiously you have to care about your job but you also have to make time for the ones you love. Ryan...forget it him it's just work work work and work. I wish I can take Alex back. But I saw him and his girlfriend they look so happy together. He wouldn't want me back...

The two end up making a decision later on in the future. But is it a good one?


I call Laila into the living the living room. Then I motion her to sit down.

"Yes babe?" she asks concerned

"We need to talk..."


Ryan was sitting on our bed on his phone. I clear my throat to get his attention and it somehow worked. He looks up at me confused. I sit on the bed and take his phone and put it down. He realizes this is serious and sits up straight. At first I don't say anything cause I'm nervous but I eventually speak up.

"We needa talk about something..."

Will they end up being happy with one another or will they regret getting back together?

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