!Warning! and Part 1

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Hello everyone, the first warning is that english isn't my first launguage, so if you find any grammar mistakes please notify me. Always tell on what line you found the mistake. Thank you :3

Warning! This Story Is messed up, if you didn't read the description, please read it Now!

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The Story begins here:

I'm slowly walking to school, looking down at my feet and letting my hair flow behind me in the cold breeze.

I usually get mistaken for a girl because i have long and soft hair. I like talking to girls more, the boys at my school are very mean, I always have to pay them so they don't cut my hair off.

I lift my head up and notice my school is infront of me, i walk up the stairs and open the gates of hell.

The very front of the school Is always very quiet but this Is too quiet, usually, a mother would be leading her Young Son to his class or something, but today nothing.

I gently close the door behind me and walk to our changing place. I take of my outside shoes and put on my interior shoes on.

I sit down on the little wooden chair that Is always in our changing station. And quietly wait for the Bell to ring.

It Is very strange for the school to be this quiet on monday. Especially when our test in upcoming. I begin to worry, So to také of my mind i take a piece of my long hair And start to braid it.

After it rang I stood up and putted my backpack on my back, And so i begin walking to my class, that Is on the third floor.

After what Felt like evernity od walking I looked up and saw my class. Before entering I quietly knocked. No responce. I knock louder this time. No responce. I open the door And the classroom is dead empty. I take my Seat, that Is in the Middle row next to the door. I sit Down And pull out my pencilcase And Biology, because that Is our first period.

The tense pressure begins hunting me. Why Is no one in class yet?! I begin rethinking if it isn't still Sunday, but my mom woke me up--

My thought are broken apart once Winona enters the classroom. "Aaron? Hi! Have you seen anyone? I can't seem to find anyone in this school." I greet her with a warm smile, Winona Is the same heigh as me, She has pink hair And her favourite t-shirt with a Unicorn on.

"I don't know too, this school feels dead." I actually scared, this tence atmosfere around me is driving me insane."

Winona takes her seat infront of me and prepares for the first period aswell. I look behind me and i keep my focuse at the window and the outside.

Sudenly the door is bursted open by an armed man wearing a full on cop outfit, I shock I get up from my chair and attempt to atleast look like i'm ready to fight

Winona on the other hand is just barely standing still, She loses her balance And falls to She floor, fainting at the exact moment, I look back ať the cop, He Is curently holding his sniper rifle close to me.

Though the fully covered face comes a harsh and agressive voice. "Why are you here?!" He looks directly at my face before he states "Not much of a talker, huh?" Pulling the trigger.

I fell onto the floor, my stomach has been shot though And the cop Is taking Winona Away. The pain fell worst the anything i ever experienced. With my last remaining strenght i crawl to the window And open it.

I get up onto the ledge And look down, it's pretty heigh up, but I have to...i can't take the pain. With that i let the gravity take me down, I remember reading....somewhere, than during suicide, the fall Is the hardest part. It's true.

My body finally hits the ground, killing me instantly. The pain came to it's end.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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