Chapter 1

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Phoenix Drop High. The worst place ever imagined. The school was run by populars and jocks. Nerds beat up by the football player. Punks and Emos walked the halls as loners or in groups. I guess that makes it a normal high school then. Travis walked in to this hell hole with his head low trying to avoid the bullies that walked the halls daily. His plan doesn't work because soon enough he feels someone's hand on his side, the cold locker against his back then the hard floor come in contact with his body. He looks up to meet the eyes of his usual bully. Gene Alighieri. He was the natural bad boy and Leader of the Shadow Knights. The Sk's weren't a popular group. In fact, the Group consisted of only three people. Those people being Sasha, Zenix and Gene. Let me tell you They Were Terrifying!! Travis slowly rose from the ground and looked Gene right in the eye.

"What's your problem?!" Travis spoke daringly.

"You're my problem" Gene growls before storming away.

With a roll of his eyes Travis walked to his first class before sitting down in his seat waiting for class to start. His daydreaming was interrupted by the slam of books on the desk beside him and non-other than Gene Alighieri plopping in the seat beside him. Travis scoffed before turning to the teacher.

"Today I will be assigning a project," The teacher announced. Gene eagerly looked to Sasha and Zenix whom were already looking at him.

"But I will be assigning partners," The teacher said, killing the whole classes hopes and dreams. The class groaned in unison and the teacher continued.

"Class, class settle down!" He almost screamed, "The groups are the following: Sasha and Balto, Zenix and Katelyn, Aphmau and Aaron, Garroth and Laurence, and Finally Gene and Travis". 

The Demon In Shadow Armor {Gene x Travis}Where stories live. Discover now