Chapter 2

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"Home at last" I groaned

I dropped everything on the floor and stripped down to nothing but my boxers and jumped in bed. My mom left to pick up some stuff for dinner tonight. My dad always worked late so he hardly had dinner with us. I decided to take a power nap before I got started on my homework, yeah I got homework on the first day of school.

I woke up to a loud ringing in my ear, I rolled over searching for my phone and Jason was calling.


"Hey man what you up too, did you just wake up?!" Jason screaming over the loud music playing in the background

"Yeah, where you at? Why is the music so loud?"

"WHAT?!?" Jason screamed

I looked at my phone and saw that I slept longer then I intended too.

"Jason? JASON!! Where are you?"

I yelled back


"Alright text me the address."

"WHAT?!?" Jason yelled

"TEXT ME!" With that I hung up my phone and 5 seconds later Jason had text me an address I don't know. But if it's a party then I'm all in. I jumped into the shower and let the hot water run over my body. It felt so good until the water turn cold. I dried myself off, brushed my teeth and ran my hand in my hair, I was going for a messy comb over. I grabbed a pair of black boxers and slipped on a pair of grey shorts and a plain black shirt. I headed for the door before my mom stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going over to Jason's house." I said not looking at her

"Oh alright how was school?" she asked from the living room

"It was good, I gotta go I see you later, I won't be out to late." I said as I walked out the door not caring to hear her reply.

The house wasn't that far from my house, it was actually a 20 minutes drive. I parked 2 blocks away from the house knowing how people drive when their drunk. I walked up to the door and was about to open the door when I hear a familiar roar of a motorcycle. I rolled my eyes, "You have to be shitty me" I thought to myself, I turned only to find a random stranger just passing by with his bike. Thank The Lord, didn't want to have a shitty night too. I walked in and saw that the house was pitch black and the only lighting was coming from the black light that were around the house. I started searching Jason and Jasper. I searched the whole house and only found two people passed out in the bathroom, one room I dare not look back in had four people having sex like it was normal to do it with that many people. I was getting tired of looking for them and I haven't even taken one sip of alcohol. I was headed for the door when someone bumped me so hard that I ended up on the fall hitting my butt pretty hard.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled over the music

"Oh shit sorry dude didn't see you there" I could really see his face but he's voice was all I needed to recognize who it was. It was the jerk from school. I snatched my hand out of his hand and just brushed him to the side trying to get passed all the people on my way to the door when I felt a hand pull me back.

"Where are you going" he said sounding a bit drunk

"Home!" I said harshly

"Why? the party just started and you just got here!" he said with a huge grin which shined in the lighting. I hands felt funny and I noticed that I was still holding his hand so I slowly slipped my hand out of his and step back only to have him step forward.

"Hey I know I was an ass in school, I'm sorry I'm a real nice guy." He said

"It's cool, I have to go now.." hoping he got the clue that I didn't want to talk right now.

"Oh come on let me at least get you a drink since you haven't had one, I at least owe you that for being such a dick to you." He whined

"How would you know if I haven't already been drinking?" I asked sarcastically

He leans down and whispers in my ear "because I've been watching you since you got here."

I felt shivers go down my whole body. I didn't know if that was because it sounded creepy or because it was kinda sexy the way he said it.. WAIT.... I'm not gay so it had to be because it sounded creepy. I ended up agreeing to stay back and have a couple drinks or maybe 15 idk. I feel really fuzzy.

"I didn't get your name by the way?" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my body. What is going on with my body!

"It's Koda" I yelled not caring who heard me

"Cool I'm Jacob" he said grinning. So that's he's name, finally I know his name, seems much easier now to know him knowing his name. The party was now dying out and I haven't seen Jason or Jasper the whole entire time. I guess Jacob noticed I was looking for them from where we were standing because he said as normal now that the music has been turned down

"Your not going to find them."

"Who?" I played dumb

"Your friends, they left together before you even came, I think they probably need a nice place to get some, if you know what I mean." He said wiggling his eyebrows

I just raised my eyebrows at him in shock, he thought that Jason and Jasper were a gay couple. Haha that had to be the most funniest thing I heard all night.

"Hahahaha Naw dude their straight, the only thing that makes them gay is their gay hair style!" I laughed out

"Oh I thought they were since they were really getting it on on the dance floor earlier?!" He asked confused

I smiled "They probably were messing around. so... It's kinda getting late I think I should head out now. thanks for the drinks, your not as bad as I thought."

"Told you I was a nice guy, I'll walk you out, I'm going to head home too anyways, did you drive here? He asked with a smirk

"Yeah I did, I parked two blocks down the street." Walking towards the door

"Oh cool same here, I'll walk you to your car." He said looking the opposite way but I could have swore I saw him blushing, why would he be blushing? I'm so confused about this guy right now. We finally reach my car and there was an awkward silence between us, should I just say goodbye or should I just hope in my car, never really had anyone walk me to my car unless I was going to give them a ride. I was about to shake his hand to say my goodbyes when he reached down and put his hand right behind my neck gently hold my waist and pulling me closer to him and before I knew what was happening he's lips were pressed on mine, I know it's wrong to kiss a guy but it felt so good and so right at that very moment that instead of pushing him off I kiss him back a little rougher then him, then he pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes before taking off to his bike and riding off leaving me there feeling.........

I'M LOOKING FOR A NICE COVER PHOTO? Hit me up if you could or want to make me one, that would be awesome!!

So like I promised, this is the second chapter, ahh finally we got all the boring stuff out the way now it's time for the fun stuff! I can't wait to see how Koda is going to react seeing Jacob in school and what's the story behind Jason and Jasper?!? Seems interesting so far! Can't wait to get this started! Remember to FOLLOW, VOTE, COMMENT OR LEAVE A MESSAGE,

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