Dare 4 "Too close for comfort"

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Hey ya'll, it's ya doll, Raggy here. Welcome to another episode of "Why you should never have a typo in your comments for the book" 

Because Kate and I spent about 4 hours last night making a monster from hell that nobody should have to be punished to see. So, here we go~!


*New Years day, everyone is pretty drunk and such. Even little Allison and Alice.*

*Everyone is so drunk, they even convinced Henry to play Twister.*

Susie: Left hand green!

Bendy: I got this one! Boris move, that one is mine.

Boris: It's closer to me!

Bendy: If you take that spot you'll get a face full of Alice's ass.

Alice: Come again?

Boris: Is that a bad thing?

Bendy: Yeah because my face is already here.

Alice: Should I move?

Susie: Right hand blue!

Henry: I got it. *Reaches for a blue dot, falling over and gets a face full of Allison tit.*

Allison: Oh dear...! *Is currently in a crab walking position so she can't really do much about it.*

Henry: Damn your tits are firm.

Allison: Thanks I work out a lot.

Henry: Didn't know you could grow muscle in tits.

Allison: Yeah neither did I.

Tom: *Growling at Henry silently.*

Allison: Tom what's up with you?

Henry: Oh sorry am I too close to your girlfriend or something?

Tom: ... *Gets grey in the face and turns his head away. Not that this view is any better, being wedged between Alice's arm and Norman's calf.*

Susie: Left foot blue!

Henry: I don't know if I can reach that one.

Allison: Hold on I'll move back a little. *Leans backwards, but falls over and everyone collapses into a giant flesh and ink pile.*

Bendy: Dammit Allison!

Allison: Sorry!

Sammy: If anything, apologize to me, I'm the one pinned under Toms robot arm. If I move the metal might cut off my penis.

Boris: Ouch.

Henry: Man you guys are all mixed together. Thank god I am not made of Ink.

Allison: Henry I will admit, for months I've wondered what that scent is on your clothes. Least I finally got a close up of the scent.

Henry: Oh yeah, it's just the soap I use to wash-

Alice: Can I get up now?

Bendy: Don't worry guys I got this. *Holds his breath and pushes.*

Boris: ...Please don't shit on my neck.

Bendy: *Grows into his beast form and everyone rockets out from the pile, thus, freeing them.*

*Everyone sits up sorely and watch Bendy leave the leftover pile of ink and hair.*

Boris: Welp that twister blanket is ruined forever.

Allison: Guys the puddle is moving...

Alice: Is someone still in there?

Bendy: Well let's see. *He walks over to the puddle and reaches in.* I think it's Norman.

Norman: *Confused beeping noises*

Susie: No he's right here.

Bendy: ... *Pulls the figure out from the puddle.*

*Everyone screams*

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*Everyone screams*

Sammy: Can I kill it?!

Allison: No I wanna kill it!

Susie: There's gotta be at least one usable part inside it I could have.

Henry: I don't care who kills it, just somebody kill it.

Boris: Does it have a backwards foot?

Bendy: Let's kill it tog-

Allison: *Goes to stab it.*


Susie: What else we going to do with it?

Alice: We all made it, we have to...

Henry: To... what Alice?

Alice: ...Raise it. It didn't choose to be born, we need to be adults about this.

Monster: DADDIES!

Alice: ... See it can already talk!

Henry: I am not this things daddy.

Allison: Alice we have to let it go.


Sammy: Okay

Susie: Sammy don't you fucking dare.

Bendy: *Starts to grow a third arm.* Alice Let it go.

Alice: What's up with your arm?

Henry: *Hair turns green* Alice I think you're drinking too much.

Alice: *Squeals and steps away from everyone.* What's happening???

Monster: Alice!!! *Starts moving towards her.* ALICE!!!

Alice: *Screams bloody murder.*


Alice: *Screams again and looks around. She's laying in a pile of old blankets and plush toys.* 

Bendy: You drank too much and passed out... I brought you over here to rest. Do you remember anything love?

Alice: *Sweating bullets.* ...No... Were we playing twister by any chance?

Bendy: ...No, you should rest more sweetie. I'll make you some coffee. That'll help your hangover. *Kisses her forehead and leaves.*

Alice: ... Last time I drink what Boris is drinking.


Moral of the story: There is a strong difference between "Kiss" and "Kid" 

Took the opportunity with the typo and ran with it.

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