"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished... That will be the beginning."
The world starts to take shape, as a new beginning starts. A land filled with life and peace there we find the beginning of a colony with two beings, they where known as Elins, and Poporis.
The elins have one driving goal, if it's not good for nature, stop it. They join with forces of nature and mortal races to sweep their enemies from the battlefield. Their speech is often dark, forthright, and otherworldly, and their sense of humor can be border on vicious. Poporis find the elins' manner and behavior alike, as they cherish it. Both the elins and poporis praise the cause of nature, but the bond between them is deeper than that. As a single nation they repair, protect, and preserve the world they live in and love above all else.
The two prosper together, without each other's help the two will fail. Together they bonded and created their country Poporia and their kingdom Pora Elinu to honor their Goddess, but In this story we will follow the next young goddess, an Elin princess named Vanilla as she begins her life as the first priestess obsessed with love and authority.***
It was a bright day today, but it was just a little break from the beginning of its day as everyone gets up to work hard for nature. Vanilla was seen with her father, as they discussed the future of her life and her tasks forthe new world. "Father I'm here as you asked..." Vanilla kneels down to his throne, at a young age of fourteen Vanilla knew what her tasks that will be coming to her as she will be her father's first child turning fifteen soon.
"My daughter, Vanilla. Today I grant you the calling, of the Sacred arts research. Use it well as you are my protégé child."
"I gratefully accept, father!" Vanilla smiled and praised herself being the first to ever create the sacred arts of the priests. No one else realizes it, but the sacred words have their own meaning. The art of the divine words that can be generated in the world and casted by a weapon or by hand. Vanilla continues on creating arts that will change the world and herself.***
As a year goes by Vanilla is at the age of fifteen she begins her day as a priestess. She began to noticed her system authority which shows a number which indicates an individual's level. Vanilla smiles as she believes she can reach even higher authority number so she began her first deed of hunting.
She began to travel to the forest of elinu to encounter weak passive monsters, at first it proved difficult for her as a priest she was practicing with mostly healing arts, but she then had the thought of creating arts of divine energy that can damage a being a energy focused on destruction. There after much time passes and studying she created her first divine energy attack and she began to test it and she came back to the forest to approached the innocent monster. "Sacred arts.... Divine Radiance..." A pulse of energy quickly travels from her hands to the monster killing it instantly. Vanilla shocked as it was her first ever kill and she didn't expect it to work at all, but she soon noticed her authority went up a number. she soon knew what she had to do and she begins to abuse it, kill after kill it made her authority level rise as she grins and laughs as it was just too easy. She gained a total of fifteen levels in a matter of farming monsters and with her new authority she was able to create even more arts and divine powers, as she rises in levels. Soon the farming gets slower and slower, as her authority was much higher than the monsters she farmed so she knew already that she needs to find even stronger monsters so she rushes deeper in the forest only to encounter a young popori...
To be continued....
Part II The Popori Panda