The Popori Panda

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Vanilla entered deeper in the forest only to encounter this strange popori panda, it seemed like he was also practicing the arts of healing. Vanilla unimpressed, she soon ignored him and walked off until he got attacked by a group of monsters. Vanilla quickly sought the opportunity to show off what she could do, so she went in to save the young panda from his doom. She quickly casts an new art she created at the group of monsters. "Sacred Arts, Zenobia's Vortex!" With her staff of divine energy she quickly unleashes a whirlwind toward their path that grew and damages the monsters, throwing them all into the air as they fall back down dead from the impact. "Hmph too easy...." she looks down at the young panda showing greater authority and fear, but he wasn't frightened at all, but impressed of her skills. "Thanku for the help young elin. Whats your name?" The young panda said in a happy tone.
"My name is Vanilla, and you're welcome, just make sure you practice somewhere else safe..."
"Vanilla hmm, it sounds nice, but since you saved my butt I think a nickname will suit ya! How about Nilla? It sounds cuter doesn't it?" The panda smiles. "It's settled, I shall call ya Nilla for now on. Oh, and my name is Poffy. I owe you for this so ill give you my word ill save you too some day."
Vanilla sighs. "Whatever just don't get in trouble again, or in my way." Vanilla soon leaves, letting Poffy know that she isn't interested in small talk, but that only drove the panda to get her to become his friend so he follows her deeper in the forest.


Vanilla starts her farming again deeper in the forest with her new abilities. Poffy still following her was impressed. He watched her defeat countless of monsters with these interesting priest abilities. He soon tries to remember the words she casts during her hunt. "Divine Radiance, Metamorphic Blast, Shocking Implosion, Final Reprisal, Triple Nemesis, and Zenobia's Vortex." Those were the few words Vanilla casted, each art doing different type of divine abilities that damages the monsters. Vanilla was quickly growing in power, as her authority level rises even more. By the time she finished farming she has gain another ten levels giving her a total of twenty five System Authority. Feeling even more dominant she began killing more monsters, as they instantly died. She smirks knowing they were too weak for her now. She slowly approaches a group of innocent monsters, then Poffy quickly knows what she was up to and he quickly tried to interfere with her. "Nilla... wait! Don't kill them anymore, they are weaker than you, and its just not right to do that."
Vanilla stopped and looked at Poffy then the monsters quickly ran away. "I told you to not interfere with me!" She slammed her staff down toward him shouting Final Reprisal, Releasing a divine energy blast hitting Poffy, knocking him down to her feet. "Nilla.... w-why...?" Poffy looks at her with distraught.
"The monsters got away thanks to you. Know your place and get away from me. I'm not here to make any friends. I need to get stronger for my sake." She scuffs her uniform and walks off from him. Poffy  stunned he soon knew what he had to do, he knew that he had to get stronger to save her from her obsession with power. "I promise ill save you from this Nilla,  please don't be obsessed with this... power." His little popori paws tried to reach for her, as he was still on the ground, but she was already too far. He sighs in disbelief. "I have to save her from this... I swore to save her." He soon gets up weakly and heals himself then after a short break he begins to practice those Sacred arts she once said.
"Divine Radiance!" A pulse of energy quickly flew from poffy's hand into the tree causing it to fall down, he quickly masters it as he attacked monsters, Poffy being surprised with his quick learning, he soon starts to practice even harder mastering her dangerous arts, as he will use them to bring her back from her obsession of power. "I'll save you Nilla... I promise.." he grips his staff as he ventured forward deep in the forest.

To be continued....

Part III Awakening Arts.

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