The Fleet

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Cody's firt day in the fleet was nerve racking, the same day cody gradated from ITB he was off to the fleet, and the best thing was thanksgiving was the next week he'd get to go home and see he's family for a few days. after doing all the paperwork and getting settled in with he's new roommate doc martin. Well the day cae around to fill out the paper work to go home and after getting it done he's best freind smith texted him saying he wasnt gonna be able too take cody home for thanksgiving so cody was upset and made. So cody called hes mom and exsplained the situation and hes mom understood and said it was okay. dont worry christmas is around the corner. After thanksgiving  leave block was over the company went too  the feild for 5 days straight, left on a sunday went too the mount town which is a bunch of buildings the marine corps built for Marines like codyy and hes brothers to practice building clearing and house to house stuff. After cody's plattoon was overran so they had to hike over 6 miles too a knew location and dig in the deffence.  over and over codys platton beat back the offince and hiked closer and closer too command too keep the offiiceive battalion back. till finally they were all so called killed lol. Then cody and he's platton loaded up on the 7 tons ( big ass trucks with 6 wheels ) and where on there way back to the baracks.  After a few weeks had gone by cody matched with 2 girls on hes dating app tinder, sharady and tori. at first cody was really intrested in tori till he got home for chritsmas leave. The christmas leave was amazing speending time with family and freinds was fun, then tori had stopped talking to him for 3 days. Before that happned cody had told sharady that they should just be freinds because he liked tori alot more at the time till she got real childish and told him to bassicaly fuck off. So cody was having to talk to sharady and make up to her or kiss ass as some would say so he could get her back. Well after a few days cody and convisened sharady to give him  another chance. cody went and seen her for new years eve. he had a amzing time, played some type of dice game and then at idnight he kissed her a good long wonderful kiss. The night just got better and better after that holding hands huging her coming up from behind and wrapping her arms around him, cody relized he was starting to finally feeling cared about hopfully maybe loved again ut he doesnt wanna rush it. cody was gonna leave at 2:30 but sharady and him talked for 2 and a half hours about what they want in a relashionship and what they dont like. finally cody said he was gonna go so she could sleep and he'd let her know when he made it back to the baracks.  the next day cody asked sharady if she had anyhing going on friday if not he'd like to take her out on a date. she said she'd love too, so it was set friday was a date and cody was happy she said she'd go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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