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It was May, 10th 2018 cody had done it he had gotten through all 4 years of high school at it wasnt a easy 4 years with moving around so much have gone 3 diffrent high schools he had finally did it. The next day cody decided to go too the recrutiers office and talk about a career because he didnt know what else to do, yeah he was a good welder been doing comunity college classes to learn the trait and he did he was good but wanted to do something diffrent. So he went up there and and talked for while and after that he was signing the paper work, he next week he went to meps was phyiscally and mentally fit to sign and go too bootcamp in june.
June came around and codywent to but camp 3 months of hell he new it had buddys that already been through but he knew if they could he could he just had to keep he's additude and anger under control. well codys family took him the the recrutier office said hes goodbyes and was off to tampa flordia for meps then stay hes last night as a civilan then the next moring off to bootcamp. Codys family came up to see hes swear in and off he was to bootcamp a 9 hour bus ride to paris island home of the marine making process lol. Week 1 of bootcamp had gone by just got to write hes first letters and send em off, 1 to mom and dad and 1 to hies beautful fiancee hed been with for 2 years and asked her to marry him the night they graduated. well first month was over codys platoon had came in first in drill and was doing pretty well in study's,  rangweek came and cody was excited he loved shooting rifles and cody did as good as always and got expert on the range getting a score of 320 out of 400 got 4 in the entire fox company rankings. Well one month left of bootcamp cody hadnt got a letter from Jaden in over 2 weeks and finally he gotten one little did he know it was gonna be hes last one ever. Staff sergeant garcia called codys name and says hmmm cody is from your girl been a while hasnt it yes sir!! Been 2 weeks but better late then never right sir, cody opened it at hes bunk and started to read smiling at first then itstarted to fade away. Then all of a suden he couldn't breath and dropped the letter and started to have a panic attack. The letter started off hey baby sorry havnt wrote in a while been thunking latly about us and you and well i don't know how to say this but i can't do this anymore, the distance is to much not hearing your voice is killing me and i just.....i just cant do this anymore im so sorry cody pls dont hate me. Cody was truly devistated and heart broken had been togeather for 2 years and enaged for 7 months, all of cody's freinds were trying to talk to him tying to calm him down and all cody wanted to do was quit and go back home and fix this. But Cody's best freind justin was able too talk and calm cody down and convince him that he could do this with out jaden and find someone better and that would love him even more and support him and make sure distance wasn't a issue.
Well cody did it he graduated marine corps bootcamp and was on he's way home to spend 10 days with he's family before he goes too hes mos traning school. during those 10 days cody enjoyed time with freinds and family and sleeping in lol o what a long time it had been to not sleep in he loved it. well the last day came around and jaden sent him a text, he answered it hey i heard you've been back for 9 days would you wanna get some lunch and talk. cody said no, and ignored her next few texts and went on with he's day. Well cody had been in ITB for a month now and him and jaden had been texting he thought maybe everything would go back to normal get back togeather and be happy again. well a week later he was proven wrong once again hurt for giveing hes heart back out. she had been playing him once again. Well a month and a half later cody accomplished yet another goal he graduated Marine infantry school and was now a offical 0311 infantry riflemen.

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