Little Momoa

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"No way I'm doing this Jason. No way!" you said looking up at the climbing wall in front of you.

"Why not? It's gonna be fun. And I am here so you won't fall. You know there is noting to worry about when I am with you." Jason was so excited about teach you all those things he likes. Like surfing or snowboarding... but climbing? Is he insane? 

"I just don't want to do this, okay?" you said again and made few steps back. 

"(y/n) what's going on? You can tell me," he came closer to you looking into your eyes. You two were dating for few months and you knew he is the right one. But here were still lot's of thing you didn't tell him. 

"It seems super hard..." you shrugged your shoulders. You tried to look like it's not a big deal. But it was a big deal. It was big fucking deal! 

"I'll teach you. Don't worry. It's gonna be fun. Just give it a try." He looked like big puppy when he was begging you to do something and you almost said yes... almost.

 "Jason... I am scared of height. I just.. don't want to do this, okay? I really don't know how man time a have to repeat this. Just. Stop. Pushing!" You turned around and ran out of the gym. You were not fair to him, you knew, but fear was bigger. Jason wasn't the man who is pushing at you doing things you don't like, and surfing was pretty fun actually, but climbing looks really dangerous. Phone in your pocket started to ring. 

"I am sorry Jay, It wasn't fair from me ... what I said. I just...." 

"Where are you? I am coming to get you. I am so sorry babe...." he interrupted you and you told him, that you are only two streets away from the gym. You felt stupid for acting this dramatically. Jason never did nothing what could hurt you. Even in bed, when he was doing things you were only dreaming about before meeting him, he was always really careful not to hurt you. Sometimes it must be really hard for him, when he let his wild animal side of personality get out, but always, even then he was paying attention to your needs and wishes. 

"(Y/N)! Here are you. Come here baby. I am sorry for pushing you!" You heard him from behind you. He was there, standing on the end of the empty street looking at you. 

"I am so sorry. So fucking sorry... I can't say what happened. I just... I just imagined myself up there and I panicked. I am so sorry my love...." you said when you fall into his arms and hugged him. It felt right be this close to him. 

"I am not mad... but next time when you will be afraid of something, please... don't be ashamed and tell me, okay?" 

"Can we go home? Please?" you whispered and hid your face in his chest. 

"(Y/N), is everything okay? You acting really weird today," he asked and pushed you away a little bit so he could look into your face. 

"Tell me (Y/N)!" 

"Fine but... don't panic, okay?... So... I think... I think I need to be more careful there days. I... I need to go to doctor to be one hundred percent sure but... I think I am pregnant... I... I am sorry I thought... I mean... we were safe and...." 

"PREGNANT?" He screamed in the middle of your speech. Your first thoughts were that he is mad, but after few second of shock there was big smile on his face. "Little Momoa?" 

"Yeah... I mean... I need to go to doctor first but... Little Momoa probably...." He grabbed you around your waist and kissed you passionately. When you kissed him back he smiled into kiss. 

"I love you my precious future mommy," he whispered. 

"I love you too my future papa bear,"

Jason Moma / Arthur Curry (Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now