First meet preferences

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First meeting

You were in the bar with your best friend sitting on the bar. Jason was in the bar too and he was watching you all night. When you left to a toilet he was, how some man put something in your drink while your friend was on the phone. He immediately walk over you when you came back and tear out the drink from your hand.

"I'll buy you another one, but I need to finish something first, okay?" He smiled at you and then he left over the man who putted something into your drink. Without and word Jason grabbed the guy ad pushed him against the wall.

"I should kill you but dirtbag like you is not worth my time and troubles. Run before I'll change my mind. YOU UNDERSTAND?" He screamed to him and than he turned to you.

"He putted something into your drink. I just... I couldn't let him to hurt you," he smiled and you and ordered you another drink. "Well, I let you have fun with friend now beautiful. See you around," he winked and started walking away.

"Wait! Can I know your name at last?" you shouted on him and he turned back to you.

"Jason... Jason Momoa, but you can call me Jay," he smiled and walked away.

First kiss

It's been the same night Jason saved you from the stranger with drugs. Whole night you've been looking for him in the bar but he probably left.

"It was nice seeing you, take care," you said to your best friend when you decided to go home without any hope that you will see mysterious Jason again.

"You walked out of bar and decided to walk home instead of taking taxi.

"I just saved you few hours ago and you go home alone? You can't be serious little girl," you heard husky voice from behind. "It's not safe at all." He said and walk closer to you. He was standing behind your back, you could fell hi strong chest on your back.

"Let's hope there will be more guys like you then," you said and finally turned back o him. He was so close that you could see every detail on his beautiful face. He was even more beautiful then you could see when you saw him inside of the bar.

"I've been looking for you whole night. I thought you left."

"Without saying goodbye? Not my style," he shakes his head.

"I wanted to thank you... Who knows where I could bee without you. You are my savior," you said to him. His look was so intense you barely could breath. You felt naked under his look but truth is, that wasn't bad feeling.

"I think I deserve an reward for saving you, no?"

"What should it be?" you asked biting your lip. You knew what you would like to give him as a reward.

"We can start with your number, hm?" he asked and gave you his phone. You wrote your number quickly and gave him hid phone back.

"Well, and your name is?"

"(Y/N)... My name is (Y/N)," you answered..

"Well, okay (Y/N) do me a favor... let me call you a taxi. I really want to call you tomorrow and that could be a problem if you will be in the charge of some sexual deviant." Without your answer he called someone and ordered a taxi in front the bar.

"I could do that by myself. And I also could walk home by myself you know. I am not that defenseless as you think," you said and he chuckled. Truth is that you were really tiny standing right in front of him.

"Taxi is here," he said still looking into your eyes.

"I know," you said but did not moved away. It was impossible to break the eye contact with his intense eyes.

"You should go beautiful (Y/N). Sleep well, I will call you... soon."

"Thank you ... Jason... Jay." You wrapped your hand around his neck and standing on your tiptoes you placed him little shy kiss on his lips. "Sleep well too, savior!"

Without any more words you gets into taxi and told driver your address.

First SMS comunication:

Unknown number:

Is everything fine? Hope the driver wasn't some kind of sexual deviant


Back home, in the bath, thanks for being there for me today


Good. Hope bath is nice and warm. Call you asap beautiful.

Jason Moma / Arthur Curry (Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now