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Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know this is what the main character Luna would look like, I'll post the other characters in upcoming parts. Enjoy!

English goes by uneventfully, like expected, who knew you'd still have to write those dumb summaries about your how your summer went in grade 12. I had barely made it to my locker before Carla came up to me,

"Did you see James totally blow Hayley off this morning?" she giggles as she looks around to see if anyone's listening.

"No, I didn't see Carla, anyway i've gotta get to class don't want to be late for Clarkson he's such a hard ass, I don't want him to start hating me on the first day" I say trading my books and closing my locker.

"Boo you're no fun," she says tossing her blonde hair over her shoulders "anyway Clarkson is totally hot, you can be a little late maybe he'll give you detention and you can get some alone time with him" Carla says raising her thin brown brows at me.

"You know what that's not a totally bad idea, except for the fact that Hayleys already got dibs on him"

"LUNA!" she grabs by shoulders, her ice blue eyes widening "don't let her push you around, she called dibs on James and Clarkson the only two guys you've ever been interested in, who gives a shit what she wants, this is your year" she raises her arms up and starts walking backward down the hall, then she points at me "YOUR YEAR" she shouts.

Maybe Carla was right, maybe I should let this be my year. I've been so nice to Hayley ever since we were kids, and all i've ever gotten in return is orders, rules and dirty looks. Who cares if she called dibs on James, it's not like he likes her back, it'd be his choice if he wanted to be with me instead of her. And as for Clarkson, in my books he's fair game, it's not like either of us would ever actually be with him anyway he's a teacher, and a strict one at that, he would never let anything get that far with a student.

My train of thoughts is disrupted as the door to my law class begins to shut before i've made it in. I start to panic and rush down the hallway to the door, I grab the handle to go to open the door, it swings open easier than I expected, the whole class turns and looks at me including Mr. Clarkson.

"Miss Callahan, would you care to explain to me and the class why exactly you're late, and on the first day too?" Clarkson says as he crosses his hands in front of him and turns to face me. I see James in the crowd looking at me, I can tell he feels bad.

"I...uh... I just-"

"Oh my bad, am I late" Zeke Casas our schools classic popular jock asshole says as he walks up around the door and stands beside me, he glances down at me for a second as I catch a glimpse of his face he's got mid length black curly hair, and he's got a sharp face structure, his jaw's spotted with a five o'clock shadow, his emerald green eyes lined with long black lashes sparkled with a hint of mischief as his dark thick brows lifted he turned back to Mr. Clarkson and grins walking into the classroom. I quickly rush in behind him finding a spot James has saved for me at the desk beside his. Mr. Clarkson drags me out of my thoughts and unfortunately brings me back to reality.

"I guess I can let it slide just this once you two, I don't want it to happen again though, got it?" Clarkson says.

"Yes, i'm so sorry Mr. Clarkson it won't happen again" I say my pale cheeks blushing. He nods and turns to his computer pulling up the attendance.

"I thought we could do a fun little activity to start this course of right and get to know each other" Clarkson says scanning the class, we make brief eye contact, I bite my lip and we quickly break our gaze.

"I'll read your name and you will say one thing you know about the law, got it?" he says smiling a little, I get the sense he's actually excited about this, about testing us. He starts reading some names as i'm scrambling to think of something smart to say that will get me back on his good side. Maybe something about Mens Rea and Actus Reus, but before I can fully form my thought I hear the class laughing I look to where Mr. Clarkson's attention is drawn; right at Zeke, who was sitting beside me.

"Wow i'm impressed Ezekiel, not many students know about the defense of non-insane automatism before coming into this class, and interesting example, but let's try to keep it pg here next time" Mr. Clarkson says looking pleased.

"You can call me Zeke, and thanks i'll try to censor myself in the future but I can't make any promises" Zeke says, all the girls in the class giggle.

"Ok then, moving on, we have Miss Luna Callahan" Clarkson looks up at me expectantly

"Um hi I guess, i'm Luna, and the two things needed to prove a crime was committed are Mens Rea which is the guilty mind or the intent to commit a crime, and Actus Reus which can be defined as the guilty action" I have no idea how I managed to get that out sounding so confident, I felt the need to impress James, and Mr. Clarkson I guess too.

"Very good Miss Callahan. Did you hear that class the two students who showed up late are making up for their mistakes here, keep that in mind" Clarkson says. He winks at me sending a shiver down my spine, I blush and look down at my desk smiling to myself. What if I actually tried to get with Mr. Clarkson he is totally hot, and I mean i'm sure nothing totally bad would come of it, i'm tired of always being known as the 'good girl', maybe if I just flirt with him occasionally it might change things up for me a little. It didn't hurt that he was also super good looking with his short brown hair and deep brown eyes, stubble and defined nose he was the exact type of guy you could consider tall dark and handsome. Maybe I could stay a little after class and apologize for being late and spark a conversation to get the ball rolling a little. The rest of class went by pretty uneventfully, we just looked at a little case study and got our textbooks for the semester, the bell rang and everyone got up and rushed to the doors, while I took my time packing up waiting everyone else out.

"Hey you coming?" James asked me from the doorway

"Ya i'll meet you at lunch, go ahead" I said walking through the rows of desks to the front of the classroom. As I watched James turn and walk down the hall I turned to face Mr. Clarkson, he was looking down at his desk leafing through a manila folder in front of him.

"Um, Mr. Clarkson?" I said in the most sultry voice I could muster.

"Yes miss Callahan, is there something you'd like to ask me?"

"Well, I just wanted to apologize for earlier, i'm not usually late, it's just been a hectic morning" first lie, who was I kidding this morning has been a breeze compared to most

"That's alright miss Callahan, i'm glad you took the initiative to make up for it today in class" he said looking me up and down.

"Oh trust me i'm pretty good at making up for things Mr. Clarkson" I said leaning in ever so slightly and tilting my head to the side, biting my lip and smiling at him.

"I don't doubt that miss Callahan you seem like a very determined girl to me" he staring right into my eyes now, but I can't read the look on his face, I push it a little further anyway.

"And what else can you tell about me just by looking at me, anything interesting?" I say putting my books on his desk so he gets the full view, i'm wearing a low cut orange button up t shirt with black ripped jeans, the whole outfit hugs my curvy figure accentuating all the right places. He looks me up and down once again taking in every article of clothing and every body part right up to my full pink lips, my blue green eyes, my button nose, light brown wavy hair and arched eyebrows. He smiles and looks me right in the eyes and says,

"The jury's still out on that, but i'll tell you when i've seen more from you" and at that I smile grab my books and head for the door but just before I make it out of the room I turn slightly around to see him looking after me I smile and walk out of the class.

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