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Hi to anyone reading this, this hot ass dude you see on your screen will be James but more yummy guys to come in later chapters lmao...

Last period finally rolls around and i'm making my way to the library when I see Hayley Davis making her way over to me from down the hall. She looks pissed and she's staring right at me. Her four inch heels clacking intimidatingly on the floor as her long legs stride directly for me. I felt like a fly in a spiders web.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Luna?" She yells at me.

I quickly look around to see if anybody is watching and of course the whole hallway's sneaking glances our way giggling and gasping at their lockers.

"What do you mean Hayley?" I say trying to walk past her.
She grabs my arm and turns me around to face.

"You need to back off of James, you know that we have a thing, its girl code," she lets me go and crosses her arm and smiles at me, a fake smile I keep in mind. I don't think I've ever seen Hayley give anyone a real genuine smile in all the years I've known her.

"And when girl code gets broken, the outcome isn't pretty" she waves her hand at me as she turns on her heel and walks away from me. Just as quickly as she came she was gone, almost like nothing even happened. But something definitely just happened. Did her and James actually have a thing, if so why does he flirt with me so much. I make a mental note to somehow bring it up with him later, But for now I'd just focus on getting my homework done. I turn and make my way to the library still pondering what just happened. If Hayleys already threatening me and we've only been at school for a day, I definitely don't want me to be on her target list, but at the same time I don't want to lose this thing that me and James have. But then again I know Hayley can be brutal. Last year when a girl hooked up with Hayleys brother, she sent the girls nudes to everyone in the school and somehow managed to get them played on all of the T.Vs in the school. Yet, the school staff could never track anything back to her so she never even got in trouble. I have no doubt that if she could do something like that because someone was with her brother that she'd do much worse to me. I open the doors to the library and scan the room for a free space to study, unfortunately for me however it looks like there's a presentation for a freshman class so most spots are occupied. I turn and head out of the library and decide to just head to Starbucks across the street to study instead.

Once I get to my locker I get a text from Olivia,

Olivia: 'Hey girlie, just wondering if you wanna come to Mallory's party tonight?'

A party on the first day... damn, it seems a little soon but I can never turn down a party, especially in my last year. So I text Olivia back

Luna: 'Of course. We can get ready at my house after school pregame a little and walk there'

I put my phone in my locker and grab my bag and head to Starbucks.

My phone goes off two more times while i'm on my way, I grab it from my pocket and see I have two new messages, I open my conversation with Olivia.

Olivia: 'ok I'll tell Carla'

I go to the next message, it's from James, a little smile creeps on my face as I open the message.

James: SOS

James: where are you rn, i'm stuck in the library with a whole bunch of freshman

James: do you think we were all this short in grade nine???

I let out a little laugh and text back

Luna: meet me at starbucks, I need to ask you something anyway.

James: ok i'll be there in five ;)

I grab my earphones and plug them into my phone and continue to make my way to Starbucks.

I'm sitting down at a table in the corner of the cafe and i'm just pulling out my books when James comes in he's talking to another guy though. James spots me and the guy he's with turns around to face me, of course it's Zeke. James and Zeke are on the hockey team together, they've been friends since elementary school, and lucky for me he's got a free period with us too.

"Look who it is, Luna Callahan, dude if i'd known we were gonna meet up to study I wouldn't have come" Zeke says

"Nice to see you too Ezekiel" I say looking down at my math books in front of me. God why does he have to be such an asshole, so what if I like to get good grades it's not like I never do anything fun, I just like to have an equal balance in my life.

"Zeke would it kill you to be nice for like a second?" James says pulling up a chair beside me. He gives me a quick smile and I feel my chest seize as he winks at me, how is it possible to be so perfect.

"I think it would to be honest, anyway I gotta go anyway Mallory wants me to come over to help her set up for tonight" Zeke says winking at James. Of course him and Mallory are an item I mean shes not the sharpest girl you'll ever meet i'm sure hes just manipulating her.

"Oh so that's a thing again? I thought you didn't want it to last past summer?" James says. I roll my eyes. Jerk.

"Ya but the thing is, she doesn't know that yet so, I guess she'll be finding out tonight" Zeke says as he walks backwards toward the door, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders as if breaking a girls heart at her own party is a regular occurrence for him. Who am I kidding hes been with half the girls in our grade so it must be normal for him.

"Why are you friends with him again?" I ask as I dig through my backpack to grab my wallet.

"He's not always such an ass I swear, I don't know what it is but he's just like that when we're in public." James says as he throws his stuff on the chair beside him.

"Ya, whatever i'll leave that up to Mallory to prove" I say standing up to go order my drink.

"Hey, hey sit i'll get your drink what do you want?" James say standing up and putting his hand on my arm. I look down at his hand, it's warm, and solid as he tugs my arm down signalling that he wants me to sit. I do what he wants and sit down smiling up at him.

"Alright then i'll have a London fog" I say putting my wallet on the table.

"Coming right up ma'am" he says pulling his hand off of my arm and walking up to the line. The place where his hand rested on my arm goes cold, I miss his touch, but I have to remember what could happen if I continue to pursue him, I mean if Hayley even knew that we were here together she'd be fuming let alone if anything more happened between us. Did I just admit that I wanted something more to happen between James and I. The boy I've known my whole life?

When James gets back with the drinks he closes my books and looks at me expectantly.

"What?" I ask

"you said you wanted to ask me something over text" He says crossing his arms as he leans back in his chair.

"Oh right, well, I was just wondering, ya know, if you and Hayley were back together?" I say I can feel the heat rising into my cheeks, god this is so embarrassing why did I even ask him anyway it's not like it should even matter to me who he is or isn't with. To my horror He bursts out laughing.

"Oh my god no!" He says between laughs, he has a deep whole hearted laugh and I can't help but laugh too when I hear it.
"God I feel so stupid now, it's just that Hayley told me you guys had a thing and I just wanted to hear it from you ya know" I say covering my face with my hands to try to hide my embarrassment. He stops laughing and I peek between my fingers to look at him. He's staring at me with a little smile playing on his lips. My heart almost leaps out of my chest and my cheeks burn an even brighter red than before. He grabs my hands and brings them down from my face and smiles even more.

"Don't cover your face, you're beautiful when you blush".

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