Few Weeks Before The Christmas Party - Min Family House

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Yoongi was in the living room with Jia, talking about the party favors they were planning to give out to each guest.

Yoongi: So I know we have ordered 300 party favors, but I have a feeling that won't be enough this year.

*Yoongi was organizing the favors while Jia was in the same room working on a school project with Yoonha, their eldest daughter.*

Jia: Why not? We always end up having leftovers and we invite about the same amount of people. Why would it be different this year?

Yoongi: I think you are forgetting that all these people have kids now...just like us. And...we are having new guests as well.

*Yoongi was referring to everyone from the show.*

Jia: Don't worry, I checked with my staff and have included them in this as well.

*Jia smiled reassuringly. Yoonha was thoroughly confused. She looked up at her mom from her art project and asked an innocent question*

Yoonha: Who are these new people, mom?

*Jia was a little taken aback. She had never really told Yoonha and Jiyu about how Jia met Yoongi. They were both too young and it would be hard to explain.*

*Yoongi bursts into laughter and Jia gives him a look. Yoongi shrugs his shoulder*

Yoongi: Good luck explaining!

Jia: Woah, you can't leave me alone in this.

Yoongi: I think it's better you do this.

Yoonha: Stop talking in grown-up code please!

*Yoonha was definitely more snarky than Jiyu. She had Yoongi's wit and Jia's adorable way of talking. She was irresistible. Speaking of Jiyu. Jiyu came into the living room from the bathroom. She had just finished kindergarten and insisted on going alone to the bathrooms now, since she was a big kid now.Jiyu was more stubborn than Yoonha,and it also didn't help that she had Yoongi's heart melting eyes, which made all of her requests ten times more powerful.*

Jiyu: Are you guys talking about me?

Yoonha: No, Jiyu they always hide stuff from us. Grown-ups always do this! But mom, please tell me! I can keep secrets too! Please!!

*Yoonha went over to Jia and wrapped her hands around Jia's neck. Jiyu also ran over to Jia and put her arms around Jia as well*

Jia: You guys, it's not that interesting. We are just...ummm... talking about inviting new guests that your dad and I knew before we got married. Right, Yoongi?

*Yoongi had his hands folded across his chest as he saw the most adorable sight. All his girls in the same frame.He was beyond happy.A soft smile emerged on his face, despite the sticky situation*

Yoongi: Yep, they are just friends from company that we knew before we got married.

Jia: Yeah, exactly.

Yoonha: How did you both meet again?

*Yoongi took this as a cue to divert their attention, as he also didn't know how to tell the girls how him and Jia met.*

Yoongi: Okay, time to go to bed, girls. You both have school tomorrow.

Jia: Wait,let me come with you. We'll put the girls to bed together.

*Yoongi gave Jia a confused look, since he was always the one that put the girls to bed and Jia was always the one to wake them up in the morning.*

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