Chapter 12 - Kaleidoscope

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Rhodes was... different to Valentine. The law was powerful here, run by a family known as the Grays. Dutch had become friendly with them, but the thought of being close to the law scared you. It would easy for them to recognise any of you. As if that fear wasn't enough, Dutch was also playing their rival family, the Braithwaites, in the hopes of finding each families hidden gold. A horrible plan really, destined to bring ruin on the gang. But who were you to doubt Dutch. Surely the man knew what he was doing. You trusted him, but you knew Arthur shared the same opinion. Dutch was being blinded by greed to see how horribly this could go with a single slip up. You'd just have to be sure there were none.

Arthur had headed out with Dutch and Bill, so you took the opportunity to see if anyone needed anything from town. Keeping busy was a priority for you, as quiet moments led to you wondering if the gang would be safer if you left. Jack caught your eye, as he solemnly sat by the lake, holding something in his hands. As you approached him, you heard a gentle sob escape him.
"Jack, sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"" Jack sniffed as he stammered between words, holding out the broken remains of his toy. You recognised it as one of the horses Hosea had whittled for him. Now the beautiful replica of The Count had been smashed into pieces, "I woke up and it was on the floor, broken."
"Then maybe you should be more careful were you leave your shit, kid." Micah laughed as he passed you two, and you glared daggers at him. Clearly he was responsible, and he looked so proud of himself, making a little boy cry. You placed you hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay. Sometimes, things break. But we can do something else with this." You comforted the boy, and you pulled a few bits of food from your satchel. Handing him a couple of biscuits to cheer him up, you fashioned a kaleidoscope from a tin can and various other food packaging. You took the broken pieces from Jack, and added some flowers from around you, and finally a few pieces of broken metal food containers. You handed it back to Jack.
"Here. Look through that end and hold it up to the light." He pointed the kaleidoscope across the lake where the sun reflected on the water. Spinning the can around, he gasped with childish wonder. "The idea of a kaleidoscope is that you can fill it with broken bits and pieces, and yet somehow, when you look through it, you still see something beautiful." Jack marvelled at the toy in his hands. After a few minutes, he put it down and ran into your arms.
"Thank you, Auntie Y/N. Look! Mama!" Jack scurried off the Abigail. You heard a deep chuckle from behind you, and a pat to your shoulder.
"Thanks Y/N." John sat beside you, gave you a smile, and turned to look across the lake. He picked up a couple of stones and threw them into the water. "I didn't know how to cheer him up. I'm terrible at this." He continued throwing stones, and you joined him.
"You're not terrible. But you gotta spend more time with the boy. I understand. Your first loyalty is to Dutch. But family should be your priority."
"I know."
"He's a sweet kid." John smiled at your sentiment, and gazed over to where Abigail stood with his son, laughing with him. "You just gotta get more involved with them. Both of them."
"Thanks, Y/N." John looked down and grabbed another handful of stones, continuing to launch them into the water with a satisfying plop.

"Marston, you've got your own girl, stop flirting with mine." Arthur's teasing voice came from beside you and he sat himself down the other side of you. He grabbed himself some stones, and threw one that hit John's boot. John, still chuckling from Arthur's remark, looked up, and launched one back. You threw your hands up to both of them.
"Boys, as much as I love the child like fighting here, I'm sat in the firing line."
"I should get on anyway. Thank you again, he looks real happy." John patted your shoulder again and he stood and made his way over to his family. Looking over at them made you heart ache. You wanted that with Arthur, someday. But this life was a tough environment to raise a child in, and with Flynn chasing you down...

Arthur pulled you from your thoughts by taking your hand in his and placing a kiss upon it. You turned and noticed something glinting in the sunlight on his jacket.
"Well look at you, Deputy Morgan!"
"Don't." He rolled his eyes as you giggled. "Working with a god damn lawman. It's crazy! And you'll never guess what else."
"What is it, Sheriff?" You laughed as he kicked your boot with his.
"I spent my afternoon transporting love letters. Some young love separated by this family feud."
"Well, aren't you a romantic." You kissed him softly, and pulled back to smile at him. As you were about to speak again, you were distracted by a yelling across camp. Karen was walking away, disgruntled, and as you lent back to peer around Arthur, you saw Micah smirking away, feet up on another chair, swigging from a bottle of whiskey.
"'Scuse me a minute, Arthur."
You stormed across camp towards Micah, and kicked the chair out from under his feet. His body jolted forward, causing whiskey to splash all over his face. He spluttered a little, before standing up and slamming the bottle down.
"What the fuck, missy?"
"What the fuck? How about what the fuck are you doing torturing that poor boy?"
"Kid needs toughening up."
"He's just a kid, Micah." You heard Arthur approaching, keeping a slight distance from you.
"Control your woman, Morgan!"
"I think she can handle herself just fine." Arthur taunted as he took a seat on the nearby chair.
"Apologise to Jack." You ordered. Micah knew just how intimidating you could be, but today he seemed intent on pushing you to your limit.
"Learn your place, bitch." He barely got the words out, and as you heard Arthur stand abruptly, knocking his chair to the floor, you punched Micah right in the nose, knocking him back a little. He stood finally, and turned around to swing at you, until his arms were pulled back by Charles, who had stepped closer when you began to raise your voice. Dutch approached from behind you.
"Enough, you two. We can't be falling apart. Not right now."

Arthur chuckled to himself, slumped his arm over your shoulders, and led you back to your shared tent.
"I'd have stopped you, but he deserved that." You softly giggled at Arthur. You peered over at the Marstons. Jack was none the wiser to the confrontation, but John gave you a wide smile, and Abigail mouthed "Thank you". You reached your tent and sat on the cot beside Arthur.
"So," Arthur began, as he stood again to grab a bottle of whiskey nearby and a couple of glasses, talking as he poured you both a glass, "If you had to choose between stealing horses, or torching a tobacco field..."
"Torching a tobacco field. Everytime."
"Figured you say that." He handed you the glass and rolled his eyes. "Fine, you and Sean are burning the Gray's fields tomorrow for the Braithwaites, while Marston and I steal some of the Braithwaite's horses for the Grays." He downed his whiskey, shaking his head.
"What a mess."
"Yeah. Just... be careful, okay?" Arthur looked at you with such sincerity, your hand melted into his as he took it. He looked down at the ring upon your finger. "Can't have my future Mrs Morgan getting hurt, can we?" You felt heat flood to your cheeks. That name did have a nice ring to it.
"Of course not... Deputy." The tent was filled with your screams and giggles as Arthur tickled you relentlessly.

Tomorrow, things get dangerous. I hope Y/N can handle herself. I know she can. Just don't like how risky this is getting. With that ring on her finger, I feel so much more protective of her, if that was possible.
Glad to see Micah get his ass handed to him. He should know better by now not to piss off Y/N. Seeing her all defensive of Jack has me thinking again about how great a mother she'd be. Maybe one day, we can get out of this life. Give things a go alone. Start a family. If we ever get through this family feud...

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