Chapter 19 - A Rest

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I'm finally free from deadlines and exams! Back to writing more often for you guys!
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Hope to update again soon.

All your comments are appreciated! <3

Can't believe I'm saying this... but I'm jealous of Marston. I want what he has. A wife and a child. He's an idiot to ignore what he's got. Worrying about Jack has made me realise how much I want a family again. And this time, I'm going to protect them, or die trying. World's growing more civilised day by day. Sooner or later, I'm gonna pull Y/N out of this life, give her the one she deserves. 

You awoke in Arthur's arms, warm, cosy and comfy. While the bed wasn't as comfy as those in the hotels you stayed at frequently, it was a damn sight more comfortable than the cot you were used to. You could tell he'd already awoken a while ago, his journal laying open on the table beside the bed, along with 2 steaming cups of coffee. It was barely light outside, and you'd been riddled with nightmares all night, keeping the two of you up most of the night. At one point you'd woken up screaming, to which Arthur soothed you and kissed you and calmed you back to sleep.
"Morning, Y/N. I got coffee, unless you wanna sleep some more?" You followed the noise until your lips found his. Sleepily, you rubbed your eyes as you both sat up, reaching for the mug.
"Coffee sounds good. I don't think... what?" You watched the biggest, most heart-warming smile spread across his face, and it caught you off guard. "What is it?"
"What is what?"
"That look, Arthur."
"Nothing." He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, as a gentle blush rose to his cheeks. Even after all these years, you still made him blush, and he you. "You just look so cute, all sleepy."
"Even when I keep you up all night, screaming?"
"Well, wouldn't be the first time." He winked at you, and you hit his shoulder in feigned offence, giggling away with him.
"Only you, Mister Morgan."

There was a soft knock on the door, and, after Arthur yelled to come in, you were met with the image of a man riddled with guilt. It seems sleep eluded Dutch, too. His vest was misbuttoned, and he looked more exhausted than he did the morning before.
"Sorry to interrupt, I just..." Dutch's eyes met yours as he looked at you with sadness, "I just wanted to check you were okay. I could hear you...last night. The screaming and crying." He walked across to the bed and held out his hand, which you took as you placed down your coffee and stood up. Dutch wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight. "I was worried about you, little one." That nickname that had stuck around since you joined him reminded you of that time. When things were simpler, easier. Safer.
"I'm okay, Dutch. They're just nightmares. Sorry they're keeping you up though. You look worse than I feel." You joked, earning a chuckle from both him and the man behind you. You stood back from Dutch's embrace, and fixed the buttons on his vest, and he smiled down at you. As you straightened out his collar, Arthur set down his coffee with a thud and spoke.
"So, what's our plan with this Bronte fella?"
"Me, you and John are going to head into Saint Denis." Dutch replied as you finished fixing his clothes. "We'll ask around, try and find out how to find him. Pay him a visit."
"Can I help?" You asked. You were desperate to do something to aid finding Jack, even though you body, and, more importantly, your mind, was screaming for a break.
"I want you to take it easy today. Just help around camp. I'm sure Abigail would love the company from you, too." Dutch sounded concerned about you. He quickly kissed your forehead before leaving you both to get ready. Arthur grabbed you around the waist and pulled you down onto his lap. He peppered your neck with kissed, causing giggles to erupt from your mouth.
"Don't take this the wrong way, sweetheart, but I'm glad you're not coming. You could use a rest." You nodded in agreement, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm glad too." You pressed a light kiss to his lips, and stood up, throwing a clean shirt his way. "Means I get a break from you, cowboy." That was it. You made a break for the door, but he grabbed you, dropped you on the bed, and tickled you relentlessly.

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