Chapter 24

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So, It's been about two days and I've pretty much bribed my mom and Elijah bribed his mom to meet
Up back in Rochester, where this stupid feud happened, and so, We're going to Rochester. This little trip was good with Elijah because Apparently Ethan and Amie and him were looking for somewhere to live close to Denis so They were staying until they could find a place. Elijah started to drive about 2 hours before Me and my Mom because, well one, He can't ride with us because of my Mother here, and he was gonna go to his parents house first because he was going to A. Get his mom to chill out cause apparently she was freaking out, and B. Him and I were gonna be like the two people who are gonna act like therapists and Elijah's just trying to understand His moms situation better. So I'm basically in My car with my furious mom for 4 hours as I drove to Elijah's, Considering that I actually knew the rout very vaguely, plus I'm not gonna just turn around because I have a feeling that that is what my mom would do.
I parked in a parking lot at a park where Elijah told me we would meet. I saw him talking to his mom in the distance. I got out and had to practically drag my mom over. The two women stood at least 10 feet apart, Rage crossing my moms face and Terror on Lisa's.
"Now, First, Lets learn what happened." Elijah says very seriously, Like very very seriously. Like if we weren't in this situation it could have been a little- okay a lot hot. "We'll go with two point of views okay? Your point of view, Mom, and your point of view, Mrs YN." Elijah says motioning to the two. I looked from my mom to Elijah's. Lisa was shorter, being maybe 3 to 5 inches smaller than my mom who I knew stood at 5'7". I was actually the tallest in our family for like no reason. Like I'm taller then my dad. He's Five nine and I'm five ten like where did this height come from, like honestly?
I snapped back to reality when Elijah spoke again. "Mrs. YN you can go first." Elijah motions to my mom.
"We were in Senior year when it all happened. We were best friends, but Lisa started paying more attention to her stupid boyfriend than me so we grew apart and she took all of the people who used to be our friends with her. Then one day, her boyfriend came up to me and punched my against the lockers for no apparent reason. I blacked out and had a serious concision." My mom crossed her arms and glared daggers at Lisa who was scared sh*tless.
"I actually remember it quite differently." She spoke up, looking at Elijah for like some sort of comfort and Elijah gave her a sympathetic look and nodded. "We were best friends and we did grow apart, this is true, but I didn't stop paying attention to you." Lisa spoke softly to my mother despite looking like she just saw a ghost. "I had gotten a boyfriend and you started to act really jealous and generally rude and my mom always told me to distance myself from toxic people so that's what I did, though I might have judged a little quickly, but that's what I did."  Lisa stopped and looked at my mom and waited a moment before talking again, "I think that maybe you became bitter about us not being very close anymore and you started to- Not to be blunt- But you started to bully me. I trusted Dean a lot so I told him about my problem and he went overboard. I never meant for you to get hurt. I simply was looking for some emotional support." Lisa explained and I looked at my mom and I felt a little betrayed and thrown off guard.
"Did you ever get violent?" I ask my mom with a harsh under tone mixed into my question.
"Once." My mom said harshly and I let a small gasp escape my mouth, not expecting the answer. I turned my head to see Lisa panicking a little bit. I tried to rush over to comfort her because being a person with minor PTSD I know how scary a panic Attack can be and I know how a panic attack could easily start, but my mom grabbed the back of my shirt, preventing me from going over. I heard one of the seams rip when I spun around with gritted teeth.
"Let me go!" I bat her hand away and go up to Lisa where Elijah already was, rubbing her shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask softly. Lisa slowly nodded.
"Why are you here? Wouldn't you be siding with your mom?" She asks in a low tone of voice.
"No, No... I just want you two to make up, Now I promise that she can't hurt you okay? It's okay." I comfort.
30 minutes later Elijah and I are sitting against a tree next to each other as our Moms talked- Well my mom Snapped but that doesn't matter.
"Annie, Dean is out of my life. I was a long time ago. I'm happily married to my husband Chris with three children, two grand kids and the sweetest People in my life. I'm not in contact with Dean anymore. If you should have a died with anyone it's with him, But if he's gone you can't. Please. I want us to make up, and if not for you, do it for your daughter." Lisa said calmly to my mom.
"Is this why you always keep your cool when your fighting or in an argument?" I ask Elijah.
"Yup." He nods, popping the 'p.'
"Makes sense." We both looked away from each other and saw Lisa and my mom hugging. Both Elijah and I jumped up excitedly.
"Did you make up? Are you two good now?" Elijah asks. Lisa turns and nods at us and Elijah and I embrace each other tightly.
"Finally." I mumble and he lets out and airy laugh. I pull back and look at my mom. "Can we date now?" I ask, smiling like an idiot.
"I 'spose so." My mom smiles. I grab Elijah's hand tightly and peck him on the lips.
"Is that all? Come on." He jokes. I give a him a longer kiss but I still kept it short.
"Finally." I laugh, pulling him into an other hug.

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