Chapter 1: Thalia Stark

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Thalia Stark=Tony Stark

Stella Rogers=Steve Rogers

Brie Banner=Bruce Banner

Nathan Romanoff=Natasha Romanoff


Cleo Barton=Clint Barton


Samantha Wilson=Sam Wilson

Piper Parker=Peter Parker

Nicki Fury=Nick Fury

William Maximoff=Wanda Maximoff


Jamie Buchanan Barnes=James Buchanan Barnes

Stephanie Strange=Stephen Strange

Sally Lang=Scott Lang

Peggy Coulson=Peggy Carter/Agent Coulson (Its weird, we know)

(Thalia's POV)

We were giving it our all. We had to deactivate the device, or else it would level the whole city of New York. My name is Thalia Stark, playgirl, genius, philanthropist, billionaire. I'm also known as Iron Woman. You know, the superhero? Leader of the Avengers? Our team is pretty big now. There used to just be six of us, now there's probably over ten. Anyway, we were at a Hydra base (not surprising) in New York. Stella Rogers, also known as Captain America, had found out that Hydra was still alive and thriving.

We started tracking down the bases, when Brie Banner (her superhero alias is Hulk), got an anonymous message that said if the Avengers didn't come to central park, they would blow up Manhattan with a machine. So what did we do, we went to central park of course. I was in my suit, flying around, looking for the machine. I passed over head to see Stella surrounded by a group of Hydra thugs. Out of nowhere, Thor came, her hair rippling in the wind as she flew towards Stella with her hammer Mjolnir. Stella kneeled down, covering her muscular frame with her vibranium shield. Thor hit it, and knocked out everyone, Stella looked up, and waved to me. I waved back, and flew off.

I saw Sally also known as Ant-woman, shrinking in and out of everyone's way. Then I saw a blast of unnatural blue lightning. So what did I do? I flew that way. In the center of a small group of trees, I saw a cylinder shaped machine that was sparkling with electricity. I saw movement in the trees, and Loki appeared. "I'm hotter than fire, water can't cool me down down down da da down!" she sang as she knocked out a few Hydra goons. I laughed and spoke on comms, "Everyone meet at the small group of trees next to the Shawarma place." I said. "Got it." everyone said in sync. I landed next to Loki. The front of my helmet lifted up.

"Hey." I said. "Hello." she said casually and turned back to the machine. The team came up behind us. We then heard helicopter blades. A SHIELD helicopter landed next to us, and out of it came Nicki Fury and Peggy Coulson. Peggy was wearing a black suit and a bright red hat. Nicki was wearing all black, and had her eyepatch was on like usual. "Thought you might need some help." Nicki said and walked up to us. "This thing is huge so we'll all need to do this together." Stella preached. I rolled my eyes, Hulk walked up and lifted the machine with one of her hands. "Hulk!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed and then threw the machine down, smashing it to pieces. Before the machine died, it blasted electricity on all of us. As it hit me, I started to feel dizzy, and then I became unconscious.

I opened my eyes and slowly got up. I realized I was still in my suit. I was also still in central park, but something seemed different. I looked at the sky, to see the stars out. I heard a groan next to me and saw Brie Banner turning back human. Her shirt still fit her, but the arms were ripped to shreds. Her skirt on the other hand, was a little too loose. She stood up warily and then tied part of it into a knot, securing it around her waist. Suddenly, Sally appeared out of nowhere, growing around twenty feet tall. Sally walked around and then shrank down to normal size. "What happened?" she asked. I shrugged, "How should I know?" I looked at her, annoyed. A red hat popped out of the bushes, and then I saw Peggy Coulson.

"Ugh, not her." I muttered to myself. Don't get me wrong, Peggy was cool, but she sure was kind of weird. "Where is everyone? Especially Stella."she asked. I rolled my eyes, "Now is not the time to fangirl." I said as an almost exact replica of my suit landed in front of me. I looked at it in shock, and my helmet went down, hiding my face. I held up my hand, ready to blast this weird clone person. "Who are you?" I asked. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Peggy grab out her gun. Brie walked up to the iron suit. "He's a he." she stated. "Oh, who are you?" the man asked flirtatiously. "I'm the hulk." Brie cocked her head, "Who are you weird clone me person?" The man put his hand down, and literally walked out of his suit. Hey, that's my thing! "I'm Tony Stark, genius, playboy, philanthropist, billionaire. Pleasure to meet you." he kissed Brie's hand but she just looked at him in shock.

"Wait, you're like a guy version of Thalia over here." Peggy spoke up. "Wait, are you, Aunt Peggy?" the man asked her. "What?" she raised her gun. "I know guys who are just like you and you. And you, well, you're me." Tony said. "Come with me." he walked back into his suit, grabbed Brie, and started to fly off. Sally's wings appeared out of the back of her suit, and she started flying after them. I looked at Peggy, "Oh no. Not you." I said. She scoffed, "I can just walk." she started walking off, her high heels making the clicking noises when she made it to the sidewalk. I sighed, flew above her, and grabbed her by her waist, and we followed Tony. We made it to a horizontal building with an A on the side of it that was exactly like our base. Tony landed, and we all walked in.

Inside, I saw several people who reminded me of my team, but they were the opposite gender. Tony and I had both taken off our suits, but mine was following us around, ready to kill anything that tried to hurt me. Brie was walking next to Tony, and I was walking with Sally and Peggy on either side of me. "This is weird. It's as if we are at base. But we're not. I wonder where the others are?" Sally asked. I walked next to Tony, "So, do you have a girlfriend with the last name Potts? Because my boyfriend is Peter Potts." I asked him.

"Her name is Pepper Potts, and we are no longer dating. Relationship issues." he said. "Oh." I looked at the ground. We walked into a lab that was usually occupied by Brie in our base. Sitting behind a computer screen was a man with dark hair and glasses. "Hey." Tony said. The man stood up, and then saw us. "Who are these people?" the man asked. "This is Brie Banner, also known as the hulk. Thalia Stark, also known as Iron Woman, Peggy Coulson a SHIELD Agent, and Sally Lang, also known as Ant-Woman." Tony introduced us. "What? You've got to be joking." the man said. Tony rolled his eyes, "I'm pretty sure they're from another world or something, but they are girl versions of us." he stated. "Well then, I'm Bruce Banner, also known as Hulk too." he looked at Brie unsurely.

"We need to figure this out. Are you the only ones who came here?" Bruce asked us. Brie shook her head, "I'm pretty sure we weren't. I've been thinking, and I think I know how we got here. It was the machine, and that means the whole team is in this other world." she looked at me. I nodded to show my understanding. "If we find Stephanie, she could probably use her magic to figure it out." Peggy said. "Stephanie?" Tony asked. Sally sighed, "Stephanie Strange, master of the mystic arts." she explained. "Tony, we got a message from Peter." Bruce said after he checked his computer.

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