Chapter 2

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The day of the challenge has come all the scouts from all over the world has gathered around in their scout hall to start this dangers and deadly challenge.                                                                                                          A representative came from the bigger cities to start everyone off and to tell and enforce the rules. More than 60,000 representatives went to all different scout halls all over the world country, city and under the dark sea.  

Darcy and Jessica were at the scout hall early like they always are. They are waiting for Brooke to get to the hall. The representative came at exactly 8am. He walked through the front door and his heavy foot prints marked the dirty and dusty floors, he grabs a chair and drags it along the floor the sound was so terrible it was like the same sound that happens when you scrape your fingernails on a black board. He stopped in the middle of the faded white cercal that was used for the younger group. He stood the chair up right and got his foot and slammed it down on the chair it made a noise like thunder, he griped the chair you could see that he was pinching the chair hard. Darcy looked at his knuckles and saw that the skin had been severed it looked so painful, the other foot rose from the ground and hit the chair he was soon standing, his hands fixed his tie then pulls down his suite. He raised his hand and put up the three fingers in the middle to get the attention of every one; all the scouts did the same as it was a way of respect and silence.     After everyone was silent he spoke in what was a sad but humble voice “the challenge will start in one hour” he got out his handkerchief and whipped his noise as he did so Darcy knottiest that there was blood coming out of his nose and mouth, the representative went on and spoke again “I am sorry to say but could you please say your good byes and put all phones, iPods etcetera in the tub” the man struggled but pointed to an ice cream container on the other side of the room that was sitting on the bench. The man looked sad while he spoke, a tear   just one out the left eye ran down his face as he struggled to get off the chair Darcy stood watching as he walked slowly off to the back room, Darcy knottiest that he was limping little to his right. Darcy took a step towards him as she did her dad grabbed her arm she spun around into a hug, Darcy shoved him off “I’ll be back” Darcy Yelled as she ran off into the direction of the man, she got to the door and raised her hand up to the shut door about to knock and a voice from inside said “come in girl” Darcy’s eyebrow rose as she gripped the door handle she turned the handle shaking, she pushed on the door but wouldn’t open she pushed harder but it just wouldn’t open “The other way    twisted the door handle the other way” the voice from inside spoke again. Darcy turned the handle. She pushed on the door and it flew open the man was sitting on the couch in the corner of the room. He was red eyed. He had a cloth with a shiny cream on it he rubbed the cloth over his knuckles where they have been bleeding. “Why where you crying before when you were talking?” Darcy pursed “when you where talking before why where you crying?” Darcy looked at the old man she had a blank look on her face he looked up “I’m sorry” “what do you mean” said Darcy “why are you sorry?”                  At about 8.30am Brooke came you could see in her eyes she had been crying. Her mum and dad weren’t there Brooke said they couldn’t stand saying goodbye. Darcy’s friend Lola came to say goodbye she also gave Darcy a necklace that had an infinity symbol on it she said “keep it safe and it will keep you safe be careful Darcy please” you could tell she was going to cry her eyes where tearing up. Lola walked up to Jessica she said “stay brave and look after your sister for me I want you and her back after this” “I will. We will come back together and live happily ever after like a fairy tale we will make it” said Jessica with a small smile on her face, she looked scared and happy at the same time but then again she looked proud. Lola and Darcy had been friends since preschool and Lola has known Jessica since she was 5 so they were good friends, after Lola talked to Darcy and Jessica she left she was still crying and she looked cold but she was happy that her best friend was doing something great.  After Darcy and Jessica said good bye to their mother, father and big brother John, Brook came around with Riley and James “we have to go now Darcy” said Brooke in a sweet voice “ok I’ll get Jessica” replied Darcy. The girls found Jessica and went to the end of the hall. At one side of the hall there was all the scouts lined up first was John then it was Hannah, Robert, Elliot, Brooke, Darcy, Jessica, Riley, Chloe, Heather, Melisa, Sammy, James, Owen and his little brother Blaize then Rookie, Mike, Blake, Charlie, Logan, Ty and at the end was Harley. The people in this line make the Darling scout group. On the other was a round contraption that was the transportation to the planet of And-dross.    

When the scouts were waiting the representative came into the hall and spoke “hello brave scouts I would first like to say good luck and that the other teams you are doing your part with are going to meet you on the planet at the unit entry. The units have been marked with big domes so the mutants cannot get back out or back in you will be trapped in the dome as well and cannot come out until your unit is clear then  a portal will open where you get dropped off. The hole trip to one side of you unit will be at least 3 weeks on foot with all the dangers animals. You can also come out of the challenge if you are serially hurt and can get back to the entry. You will know when you have killed all the mutants when the light has come back to your unit. You will also be getting help from some people that have done this and returned they are both venturers now and they are here now.” Everyone looked to the door in walked Jason and Jay “these boys will be helping you kill all the mutants” said the representative. Darcy looked right at Jason and smiled once upon a time Jason and Darcy hooked up and after that Darcy’s has always liked Jason, but she knows that their just friend with benefits and she’s ok with that.  Darcy and most of the scouts met Jay on a big camp he was a helper on one of the activities, when Jay walked in Darcy and Brooke both looked at each other they both wondered how did he get hotter? When they first met Jay they both agreed how HOT he was, at the camp they always hug around the activity that he was helping with. For most of the camp they talked to Jay and played games and what was better is that Jay and Jason where both at the camp and where friends so Darcy and Brooke hug out with Jason as well. “You can stay in groups or go by yourself but all the mutants have to be killed for you all to come home. Good luck” said the representative. 

One by one the scouts stepped into the transportation device. Darcy hugged her sister Jessica and stepped in and stepped out she was on And-dross. 

Darcy was surprised all she could see was darkness, there was just enough light to see the old torn down wooden houses in the distance. There were hills and mountains everywhere and you going see the think glass dome all around them the entrance was just inside their unit. The transportation device was there as well but it wasn’t glowing like the one in the scout hall Darcy moved out of the way of the device and watched as Jessica came out, then Brooke. Every scout everywhere would be on And-dross in about 30 minutes. Last out of the transportation devise was Jay and Jason. Jason walked over to Darcy and kissed her she blushed “what was that for?” said Darcy “good luck I hope you make it” said Jason “why don’t you stay with us for a bit?” asked Darcy “us?” said Jason in a very confused voice “Brooke, Jessica and me? You and Jay can come. Just for a bit you can show us how to kill them, and then you can leave come on it will be fun?” “Ok I don’t know how this will be fun at but…” Jason got Jay and Darcy got Brooke and Jessica and told them what was happening Brooke knew what great friends Jason and Darcy were and gave a sleek smile to Darcy when she told them a big announcement when over the whole planet “welcome to the 41st challenge of the scouts you will begin your challenge when the clock hit zero good luck” you could hear the clock FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, ZERO. Everyone ran in all different directions Rookie was with John and Johns Brothers and sister, James went by himself (bad idea) and the others went together. 

Darcy, Jason, Jessica, Brooke and Jay started walking. They have been walking for about one hour when they heard a nose they looked around but no one was there, just then a huge earth worm came out of the ground it was giant it slapped down on the ground Jay Yelled “stay back this beast has big razer like teeth and a huge mouth that could shred and swallow you in 2 seconds. “STAY BACK.” Jay yelled again he got his weapon that he got when he stepped into the transportation device it was a sword Jason Helped he grabbed a spear and a knife, they both fort the beast, they slit the body open and stabbed it in the heart with the spear, the monster was dead. After the fight Darcy looked around to see that Jessica had ran off Darcy heard Jessica Screaming when the thing came up from out of the ground, but she didn’t know where she was. Darcy yelled out “JESSICA” Darcy paused “JESSICA” she screamed even louder “Darcy she’s not here lets go” said Jason “NO I’LL FIND HER!!” Darcy ran off screaming Jessica’s name. After the group had realised that Darcy had ran of Jason says that they have to leave her but Jay wouldn’t let her go “why don’t we just go and get her?” says Brooke  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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