Chapter 5

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I had been gone for four whole months. Four months since I had seen Amy or Jack or been near horses. I had had no one else to call; known no one else that might have been able to help me. I'd had no choice but to call Jack, and Jack had given me no choice but to return to Heartland with him.

I hadnt expected there to be people outside as Jack pulled the truck up in front of the ranch house.

Whats going on? I asked. I could see Amy laughing with an unfamiliar blonde guy. They were standing beside a horse trailer that Tim was opening.

Looks like Tims giving Amy her birthday present, Jack replied, getting out of the car. I followed suit, my eyes fixed on Amy's face. She hadn't looked over at Jack or I since we pulled in, but at the sound of the car doors closing she turned her head.

It was like the smile melted from her lips. Her eyes widened as she took me in; the blood, my cut up face, just the fact that I was there.

And then the door of the trailer opened and Tim emerged, proudly leading a tall grey horse. My mouth dropped open and I took a step closer.

Storm? I said in confusion. I would have recognised Storm anywhere, though I couldn't for the life of me work out what the horse was doing here. At the sound of my voice, Storms head jerked up. I was now staring fixedly at the horse while everyone else was staring at me, clearly trying to work out what I was doing back at Heartland after leaving without even an explanation.

Tim was struggling to hold Storm as the horse, usually calm, pulled and struggled against the lead rope. Managing to pull from Tim's hold, he spun and ran towards me. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as the horse stopped before me with a snort. As Storms soft nose nuzzled against my cheek, I caught a glimpse of Amy running away into the house. Everyone was silent for a time until Tim angrily strode towards me.

What makes you think you can just show up here after what you did? He demanded angrily, attempting to snatch Storm's lead rope from my hand. First you leave without even a goodbye, then you have the audacity to come back and-

Tim! Jack cut his former son in law off. I brought him back here, so if you're going to yell at someone why don't you yell at me. Can't you see the poor boy's had a rough night?

A rough night? Tim repeated, looking between Jack and I and seeming to see the state I was in for the first time. He let out an exasperated sigh, giving up and practically throwing Storms lead rope back at me. Whatever. But you upset Amy, I hope you know that. He started back towards the house, only turning back to call out to me, The least you can do is put that horse away!

You may as well, Jack said, giving me a light pat on the back as he passed me on his way inside. By the way, some old friends of yours dropped off a few things for you yesterday. With that, he disappeared inside leaving me to lead Storm into the barn alone.

Putting Storm away and getting him settled made me feel like I had travelled back in time to before everything had gone so wrong. I couldn't figure out if that made me feel happy or completely and utterly hopeless.

Heading up to my loft, I glanced around the barn. I wondered what it would have been like if I had never left. Would something have happened between Amy and I? We would probably be doing night check about now, provided Jack hadn't removed any parts of me I had never forgotten what he said to me on my first day here.

Suddenly, I stopped dead. On the far side of the barn was a horse that hadn't been at Heartland while I was here before, but it was a horse that I recognised immediately; even quicker than I had with Storm.

Harley I said softly, not daring to believe it as I walked closer to my horse. The bay turned his head, ears pricking forward. If Harley was here, surely everything else had to be. Reluctantly turning away from my horse, I sprinted to the loft, taking the stairs two at a time. Sure enough, four large boxes sat in the middle of the lofts limited space. Breathing hard, I stepped towards them, picking up a piece of paper sitting on top of the one closest to me. It didn't say much, but I recognised the hand writing from many years spent in her company.

If you want to get back to what you love, you'll need these.

I tossed the note from Annette onto the bed and tore open one of the boxes. No, it couldn't be. Pulling open the other boxes, I realised what must have happened. Annette and Max must have dropped off all my stuff. When I hadn't shown up after I told them I would, they must have called Heartland, or maybe they just showed up, expecting me to be here.

Only I hadn't been.

And now everything I'd owned that I had ever truly cared about was right here.

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