3 | Closer

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" Great, now do a flying kiss pose. " The photographer said to Jin.

Taehyung watched Jin with somehow admiration on his face, " I've to admit that he is so fucking hot but that cocky pervert attitude of him is such a spoiler. " Taehyung said to himself as he watched Jin from a far.

" Okay we're done for today, as usual you did great Jin. " The photographer said and everyone was dismissed.

Jin saw Taehyung was busy day dreaming so he went to the dressing room first to change his clothes.

After he got changed, he went straight to his personal assistant, " Hey, what are you thinking? " He sat next to Taehyung watching everyone leaving.

" Not you, for sure. " Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Jin chuckled, " The photoshoot is over so what do I have next? "

" Um since you've cancelled all your shows, you're clear for today. Nothing more. " Taehyung checked the schedule on his phone.

" Alright then let's go to the boutique." Jin get up from the seat and gathered his stuffs.

" Boutique? For what? "

" We have to do a clothes fitting for an award show next week. Didn't I informed you about that? "

" No you didn't. By the way what do you mean by ' we ', do I have too? " Taehyung asked curiously.

" Of course you do! And you will also attend the award show along with me."

" Hell no! "

" Hell yes, now let's go." Jin walked out of the room followed by grumpy Taehyung from behind.

They are now in the boutique, doing all the fittings.

" TaeTae, how do I look? " Jin twirled around in front of Taehyung to show the suit.

" You look- amazing. " Taehyung blushed.

" Now it's your turn to change, go. I'll wait here. " Jin shued him into the fitting room.

" Ah, Jin hyung I need your help! " Taehyung yelled from the fitting room, still trying to zipped up the shirt.

Jin opened the door and get in the room, " You could just tell if you want me to fuck you anytime, but why here? " He joked.

Taehyung hit his chest playfully, " Aish, please help me with this. I can't reach the zip! " Taehyung turned around back facing him, showing the zipped which was stuck at the middle of the shirt.

" Who the fuck thinks putting a zip at the back of a shirt is a good idea?! " Taehyung snapped.

" Okay calm down, let me zip this. " Jin hold down Taehyung's shoulder to stop him from talking then zipped up the shirt.

" Than- " Taehyung was about to thank him but cat got his tounge when Jin suddenly back hugged him.

" What are you doing? " He asked in a soft tone.

" Let's just- stay like this for a while. " Jin said and layed his head on Taehyung's shoulder, feeling the warmth.

" I think you have a hug kink. " Taehyung chuckled.

" Maybe I do, but just with you. " Jin whispered the last part but Taehyung still could heard him clearly.

" Um Mr. Kim? You're done? " The boutique staff knocked on the door, interrupting their little moment.

" Y-yes, we're done. " Jin giggled and they got out of the room.

"Wow you guys are looking so dashing! The oufit suits you so well. " The worker said while eyeing them from up to down.

" Thank you so much. " Jin replied.

After they've finished changing back into their clothes, Seokjin drove them back to his house.

" Why do you take me here? Is there anything else? " Taehyung asked as Jin parked the car.

" Nothing, just wanna hang out. "

They got in the house to find Jimin with two other guys Taehyung barely knew.

" Yah! Park Jimin, are you throwing a party in the afternoon or what?! " Jin said as he looked over all the mess the boys have made.

" Promise, we'll cleaned up. " Said Jimin with an innocent smile of his.

" Hyung, who's that? Wasn't he the one whom you were spotted going a date with? " Yoongi asked.

" He's my new personal assistant, Kim Taehyung. " Jin introduced him to them.

" I'M NAMJOON, NICE TO MEET YOU!" Namjoon screamed out from the kitchen.

" Where did you come from?! I swear to God Joonie, I almost get a heart attack. " Jin scolded.

" Oops, sorry hyung. "

Everyone were introducing themselves to each other and to Taehyung's surprise, he had got along so well with them like the have known each other for a long time.

" Tae, it's already late at night and it's dangerous for you to go back at this time. What about you stay the night here? Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung are staying the night too. " Jimin suggested.

" He's right, and I'm already too tired to send you back. " Jin stretched out his arms.

" I don't really mind. " Taehyung answered, shrugging his shoulders.

" Great! We're having a slumber party! " Namjoon clapped his hands.

" No, we're not. I'm already so done seeing your face all day today. I'm going to bed. " Yoongi yawned.

" Guess no slumber party then. " Namjoon pouted.

" What are you? 10? " Jin teased him.

" I'm just kidding around. " Namjoon rolled his eyes.

" I'm going to bed, see you guys tomorrow and you- ", Jin pointed directly at Taehyung.

" What? "

" You're coming with me. Let's go. "

" But isn't this house has lots of rooms, then why am I always stuck with you?" Taehyung argued back.

" Because you're my personal assistant. Let me repeat it again, Per-So-Nal. Get it? Now, come on. We don't want to be late for work tomorrow. " Jin yawned.

" Ugh. " Taehyung groaned but followed Jin to his bedroom.

" You can use the shower first. Here, use this clothes after you're done. " Jin handed him a baby pink hoodie with a pair of shorts.

" Don't you have other hoodie? "

" You should be grateful I at least give you something to wear, I was thinking to let you sleep naked but- "

" Okay, okay. Fine. " Taehyung gasped and quickly get into the bathroom.

" Cute. " Jin chuckled to himself.

Jin jumped on the bed next to Taehyung after he finished his shower, " What do I have first tomorrow? " He asked.

" You have a rehearsal for your performance for the award show at 9."

" Hmph, guess we have to wake up early tomorrow. " Jin said.

" Not we, but you. You really are a heavy sleeper. " Taehyung rolled his eyes.

" Hey don't blame me! I learned it from Yoongi. "

" Now shhh, let me sleep in peace. " Taehyung closed his eyes to sleep.

Jin stared at him for a while, " Guess he's already asleep. " He said slowly.

Jin took out his phone and snapped a picture of Taehyung sleeping and smiled after looking at it, " Such a beautiful angel. "

His keep his phone away and covered them with the blanket, turning his body to face Taehyung and surprisingly Taehyung turned around too, facing Jin.

Jin pulled himself closer to Taehyung, hugging him. Taehyung's head was resting itself on Jin's chest, " Goodnight, baby boy " Jin muttered.

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