9 | Night

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Yesterday was a really tiring day for Jin because of works after works and all that Jungkook dramas, not to mention that Jungkook was still won't stop calling and messaging him,

but he was never tired for Taehyung.

" TaeTae! " Jin yelled from the dressing room, but there was no answer from him.

" Sora, where's my personal assistant?" He asked one of the make up artists there.

" I'm here! What do else do you want?" Taehyung popped out in front of him before the make up artist could say anything.

" Where did you go? " Jin pulled Taehyung by his waist, sitting him down on Jin's lap.

" Hyung! There are people in here, cut that flirty act off. " Taehyung eyed him with wide eyes.

" But I miss you. " Jin whined and hugged him.

" For god sakes, I was just gone for 10 minutes to discuss about your outfit with the stylist! "

" Whatever. "

" Now, let me work. " Taehyung tried to get off of Jin.

" No, you won't go anywhere. " Jin hugged his waist tightly, not letting him go.

" But- "

" Kena! Taehyung can't help you with the outfit right now because he's busy." Jin yelled to the stylist and she just nodded and giggled looking at them.

" Hyunggg!! " Taehyung hit his chest.

" Ouch stop! Besides, the show is in 3 hours. We have more than enough time to do anything. "

" Ugh! What do you want to do? " Taehyung sighed, knowing that he couldn't fight back at his cute crush.

" I, wanna do you. " Jin leaned in and whispered sexily in Taehyung's ear.

Taehyung blushed, " H-hyung, I think you just said something else rather than what you really want to say. "

" No, I didn't. I really mean it. " Jin said confidently and kissed his nape.

" You're out of your mind, sorry but I have to go. " Taehyung accidentally grinded himself on Jin's hard dick when he tried to release himself from the hold.

Taehyung widened his eyes, " I- "

" You're really asking for it, huh? Baby boy? " Jin smirked.

" Sora, please tell the manager that I'll come back here around 5. I've something important to do. " Jin get Taehyung and himself up after telling the stuff.

" Where are we going? " Taehyung said as Jin dragged him out of the building.

" We're going to have some fun. " Jin unlocked his car and drove them to the nearest hotel.

Jin opened the door room impatiently and threw Taehyung on the bed, " Hyung, this is wro- " Jin attacked his lips even before he could finished the sentence, kissing him passionately.

They parted away for air and Jin was panting, staring at Taehyung full with lust filling his eyes.

Jin attached his lips back to Taehyung's, kissing it roughly yet still passionate and soft, making Taehyung fall even more deeper in it.

Taehyung wrapped his hands around Jin's neck pushing it to deepen the kiss.

Jin trailed soft kisses along his jawline to his neck, biting and sucking on it. Making sure to leave marks that will be visible for days. Jin looked up and smirked at his art.

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