Part 1: a Stable, a prison and a Khajiit

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It was a sunny day in June, and you were packing your stuff because you and your family were going to visit your aunt and cousin. You packed some clothes, a book to read on your way there, and your computer. "(Y/N hurry up we are leaving now" you heard your mom say from downstairs. "I'm coming!" You said and picked up your bag and went downstairs. All of you went to the car and drove to your destination, which was 2 hour away. As you arrived, you got out of the car and greeted your aunt and cousin as you went in. "Hey (Y/N) wanna come and play video games with me?" Your cousin said. "Eh.." You actually didn't want to play video games, since you weren't fan of it. "Please" he said and looked at you. "Okay fine" you sighted and went up to his room. Your cousin turned on the ps4 and selected Skyrim. "What's skyrim?" You asked trying to seem interested in what he is playing. "Well, skyrim is a RPG and open-world game, and it has dragons, and Giants and all weird creatures that you could think of. Also there are different races to as Khajiit, Nord, argorian etc" he said really exited. "But it's one player so you can play after me if you want" "no it's fine I can watch." You said, but you were on your phone so you did actually not hear a word he said about the game. A few hours had past and your cousin paused playing because his mother called him. You still sat there with your phone, but then looked at the tv. "Hmm, maybe I should try the game?" You said and picked up the controller. You didn't know what you were doing but walking around. Suddenly the light flickered, and turned off "wait what?" You mumbled and put down the controller and walked to the door to go out. "What's going on?" You shouted. You could only take one step more when the tv suddenly became blurry. All you remember was walking towards the door before everything turned black.

You wake up, feeling something irritating towards your skin. You sat up holding your head. "Ugh..." You groaned and looked around. You noticed you were sitting in hay, and saw horses walking around. You were in a stable. "Wha-!? How did I get here?" You said standing up as you took out hay from your hair and brushed off the hay from your clothes. You went out and looked around. "Hey what are you doing inside the stable?" You heard a man shout. "Get out of the stable girl!" He said angry. "Sorry I...I don't know how I got here. Where am I?" You asked and walked towards him. The man was tall, with brown hair and had dirty old clothes. "You're in Skyrim, at the stables of Whiterun." He said a bit confused by her. "Skyrim!?" "Yes? You're not from around here are you?" He asked. " I'm not.. I need to get back home." You said, "well I can't help you with that. Talk with the guards over there. " he pointed over at the guard standing at the entrance of the city. "maybe they can help. I just sell horses. " "alright...thanks.." You said and walked towards the guards. They had on an iron helmet that covered up their face, and an old yellow cloth, with a shield in their had, and a sword on their back. "Excuse me, hi, uhm, I need some help. Do you know how I can get back to (Y/C)?" You asked. "What are you talking about? There is nothing called (Y/C)." The guard said with a confused tone in his voice. "But I really need to get back home, I don't know how I got here anyway! I just remember my cousin playing Slyrim, then I played a little, then everything turned black and now I'm here!" You said without taking a breath. " easy there girl, I think you have had a few drinks, and lost your mind! We will take you to the prison and you can stay there until you're ok. " the guard said and signaled the other guard to bring you to the prison. "No, please I haven't done anything!". They took you to the prison and threw you in. "Good luck finding your way home now" the guards said and locked the door. "But it's the truth, I'm not crazy, and I'm not drunk!"...." Great!" You mumbled as you looked at them walk away. "How did I end up in the video game? There is no phone here or anything if I'm so far back in a video game!" You mumbled "what do I do..." . "Hah, the guards thinks you're crazy." You heard a masculine voice from the end of the cell. You looked at the metal bunk bed next to the wall and see someone sitting there with something looking like a knife carving a figure. He looked like a cat... Or at least something with a tail and it must be a way! It is a cat! you though to your self as you looked at him standing up and stretching. As he came a bit into the light you could see him a bit better. He looked masculine, had ears like a lynx, and had black/white color on the fur, with as all the others, had on old clothes. You took a step back. "What are you?" You asked with fear. He laughed, "I'm a Khajiit. Have you never seen a Khajiit before? I feel offended. " he said looking at you. "A Khajiit?... Sorry no I haven't heard about Khajiits before..." You said still standing far away from him. "Now, you're in here because your crazy right?" "No, I'm in here because those guards though I'm crazy and drunk. But I'm not! I just want to go home." You said. "What are you in for ?" You asked. "I stole something, something really important for them...." He looked dramatic at the wall. " I stole a.....sweet roll" he said then smirked. "I was just about to take a bite then the guards came and took me! They didn't let me eat my sweet roll in peace." I looked at him. "Really?" "Yes" he said and sat back down. "Alright then..." You said. You then sat down next to the wall. "I need to get out...". "Hey, kiddo don't worry I'll get you out of here, a Khajiit is a good thief, or most Khajiits are good thief, and good lock pickers too! But I will help you if you give something to me for the help. " he said and looked at her. "Ok...what do you want?" You said. "I see that necklace you have... I want that." The Khajiit smirked. "That's my grandmas, I can't give you that." You said and held around the diamond necklace. You had forgot you had it on. "Well if you don't give that then I can't help you." "If you can use a lock pick to get out, why haven't you done that before I came?" You looked at him. "Oh... Why didn't I think of that?" He said and looked at the cell door. "And if I open the door now, then I will open the door for you too" you nodded. "So you can either open the door for us to escape, without me giving you the necklace, or we are both going to be in here until we maybe get out" you crossed your arms and saw he was thinking. He looked at you with an angry look. "Okay then, keep your necklace...but! Then you have to help me with something else...." "Like what?" "You are going to help me steal a horse." "What!? no way" he looked at you "ok then we stay here and you won't get home". "Okay okay! Fine I'll help you with that. " you sighted. The Khajiit nod and took out a lock pick from under the bed and went to the door, looked to see if there isn't any guards around and started to look pick the door. "Ta da!" He said as he opened the door. He stopped and looked at me. "What is your name anyway kid?" The Khajiit asked. "My name is (Y/N)..and I'm not a kid! I'm 18.." "Okay, and I'm Dorian. Okay let's go (Y/N). Be careful though, there are many guards around." He said and you started to go.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all liked it, fell free to comment any ideas you have for the next part or comment feedbacks ! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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Skyrim - The Beginning (fan fiction) (female reader in skyrim) Where stories live. Discover now