Chapter 2

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Izuku pov
I sighed as i walked home from the library i needed to get back before the sitter had to leave. I took the short cut way home so i could finally greet my perfect angels after a day of studying. I looked up to the sky and watched the clouds move around and change shape when all of a sudden i heard a loud explosion 💥! I rushed towards the sound and see a building it had been caught in the crossfire of a current fight i saw men women and children being pulled from the debris. I run over and crouch down next to a man "what happened?'" I semi yelled all i could think about was the fact the heroes weren't doing anything! The man couched and started to cry a little he shakily pointed a crooked finger towards the top two floors of the building and said" my wife... *cough* and ki-*cough*-ds are up there *cough* please help *cough* them...!" He begged he was coughing uncontrollably and could barely talk but I understood and rushed into the building i may be quirkless but i couldn't just let these poor people suffer! I ran up the 6 story building to the last two floor and i could hear begs of help all around me. I knew then and there i had to do something as i begin to move the debris off people.
3rd pov
Izuku helped get the debris off people and made sure he had as many people as he could get out he counted to 37 people and brought them out quickly making sure to keep them all safe. He walked around the group opening doors and checking for fire as he could still hear screams coming from up above. Izuku finally found the exit and safely helped the group out making sure they were ok before running back upstairs to save the rest of the people that were trapped.
Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass
Izuku had gotten everyone out of the building and dove back into the toxic flames to make sure no more people were trapped inside he ran up to the top floors he was running on pure adrenaline and instinct to save everyone. "HEEEELP" he heard the yells of what seemed like two children a boy and girl most likely it reminded him of his angels and his father instinct finally kicked in. Izuku thrashed around searching for the source of the voice untill he came across a charred door. He instantly knew the children were inside once he heard the screams. "DONT WORRY IM COMING TO GET YOU!!" Izuku screamed with determination as he kicked the door down and frantically searched the room. He finally found them trapped under some wood he yanked it off and pulled the kids onto his back as he began to run out. The building was extremely unstable and the crowd was certain he wouldn't be able to make it out of there. Izuku dodged all the falling ceilings walls and more he needed to save these kids he thought to himself. As he finally made it outside the crowd erupted into cheers! Everyone was yelling excitedly but it soon turned to horror as they realised the building was about to crush the boy and the children he had just saved. Izuku turned to the building and all he could do was think 'my angels... these kids... these people... i have to... i must... i musT PROTECT EVERYONE!!!'. Suddenly everyone was blinded by a bright light and once everyone looked there jaws dropped. Izuku had a quirk... his eyes were bright crystal blue and so was his hair except it had white highlights. He was glowing and tribal markings covered almost all his body. He had one hand raised to the building he slowly lowered it and the peices of debris slowly stitched back together as izuku finished saving everyone he lowered his hand and gasped as he realised he had a quirk... the crowd cheered and whistled as the young children looked at him in awe of what he had just done. He bent down to the kids and hugged them he asked if they were alright and they nodded excitedly. He sent them back towards the crowd as izuku left the scene.
Izu pov
Oh my god... i have a quirk... I can't wait to tell my angels. I started to run home as fats as i could ignoring the weird stares i got from people on the way back. I used my key to open the door to my shitty apartment and i rushed inside. The sitter stared at me in disbelief as she and the kids had been watching the news. She slwoly got up and didnt even ask to be paid she just left. My angels looked at me in excitement and squeeled they ran over and hugged me tightly i started crying I finally had a chance to prove myself a worthy father and help get us out of this crappy apartment. I hugged them tightly as the touched the tribal marks and looked on in awe. I heard a knock at the door and yelled "coming!!" Hopefully my boyfriend was home hes been gone since early this morning i run over and i see the pro hero eraserhead?! My jaw dropped as i looked at him why was he at my house?! "Hello is this were Izuku Midoryia lives?" I snapped out of my thoughts and closed my jaw. "Oh! Uh yeah actually your speaking to him!!" The man looked ta me in disbelief and I chuckled in slight embarrassment how do I explain i got a quirk while saving two kids from a building that was about to crush me and the kids?! I sighed and looked at him and gave him a close eyes smile "its a long story but please come in!" He just loomed at me and stepped inside. "Well Mr.eraserhead how may i help you?" I asked as we sat down on my dingy couch. Before he could respond i hear two little sets of footsteps running to the room. We both look to the door to see my little angels with mouths wide open at the fact that there was a pro hero in the living room! "Daddy why is mr.hero in ouw house?" Aikiko asked as she pointed at the homeless looking man. Aito then proceeded to walk over to him and ask him a ton of questions like "why do you loom homwess mista?" All i could do was shoot the hero an apologetic look. I sat aikiko on my lap and said "now, now Aito how about we leave the nice hero alone im sure he doesn't want to be pestered with millions of questions". My little angel walked over and sat on my lap he just pouted and said "fine hmph" I chuckled lightly at his behaviour before turning to the pro hero. "So Mr.eraserhead how may i help you?" The hero just stared at me in shock and asked "are these your kids?!" I nodded and replied "not biologically their real father my ex left them to me one day and ran off with a beautiful lady but i do love them as if they are my own and would give anything for my sweet little angels". I gave him the biggest smile as i puleed them closer to me they just sniffled trying to hold tears and said "we wove you two daddy". I smiled and turned to the hero. "Now im sure you didn't come here to ask about my kids so what is the problem sir?" He looks down in sadness and starts to talk "well im here on behalf of UA they said they wanted to have the message delivered to you personally i am afraid to inform you that-" he was cut short by a knock at the door i seethed in rage knowing it was most likely my boyfriend hes been gone since early this morning and it's probably 6:00pm right now i know he doesnt have a job because im the only one who does and i can just tel hes gonna be drunk. "Are you alright?" The hero seems to notice my anger i was slowly getting madder when i heard him slur out "baaaaabeee ~ im homeeeeee *hic* and i needa use the bedroom pleaseeedse *hic*" Aizawa looks at me in confusion and i just sigh and reply "i needed someone to help me look after the kids even if he is a douch i still love him ill be back" i turn to leave when all of a sudden i hear him yelling "OI SLUT HURRY THE FUCK UP I NEED TO USE THE BEDROOM GOD DAMNIT!!" I turn to Azaiwa and he looks really mad i just say "its ok hes just drunk can you cover the kids ears for me im really sorry for the inconvenience". I bow and he just seems to get even angrier but not at me?? I walk towards the door and unlock it i see my boyfriend standing there with another woman i just tear up and move aside. "Hah your crying slut? Well im gonna be back down soon make sure dinners ready by the time im back!" I sigh and glance towards the living room to see a seething aizawa he looked just about ready to murder my boyfriend the only reason he hasn't moved yet is probably because he's blocking the kids from seeing or hearing anything. I quickly lock the door again and go back to the loungroom and peel aizawa off the kids. They looked teary and really sad. They look to me then Aizawa then me again. "Daddy why is youw boyfwiend with a scary looking wady?" They pout and i smile at them. "Its ok hell be back down soon and she'll leave". Aizawa grabbed me and shook me by the shoulders "your only 15 right?! How could you let him treat you like that come on you have kids to look after?!" He shouts i sigh and look at the kids who had fallen asleep because of emotional drain. "Because Mr.Hero not everyone can be saved i stay here to keep them safe i dont even know what damien would do if i leave trust me i tried he just told me he would kill himslef and he cant even land a job pluss my little angels need someone in their lives to look up to he may be an asshole but he tries he really does". Aizawa just tsked and said " well earlier like i said i am here to inform you that you didn't make it into the heroics course because you don't have a quirk which obviously isn't the case anymore..." Aizawa looked down and trailed off of the topic.
Aizawa pov:
I looked at the ground this young man was going through so much he had kids and a most likely abusive boyfriend as well as a job apparently and he was an orphan as well according to his resume i wanted to cry and hug the boy and just help him but i just cant its sad. And earlier when i heard him yell at him "OI SLUT" i wanted to break the door and kill him and the fear in that boys eyes made me want to do it even more and the fact he called him his boyfriend when the guy walked through the door with what looked like $2 hooker! And the fact that he was quirkless was even worse how does so much bad luck be brought upon one person? I gulped and looked back at the boy who just smiled and said its ok please continue, even though he is obviously hurting and can't even achieve his dream he is still kind and forgiving and hes only 15!!! I gulped and began to continue " well even though you took the prac and written exam we couldn't accept you im truly sorry but i am happy to inform you that you got the highest scores out of the entire school so you have a spot in class 1-B and i will try and make it so you can bring your kids in with you" i looked down again i have never felt this much pity and sadness for anyone in my entire life! The boy happily smiled and said to his children "hear that daddys going to a hero school and hes gonna get you guys into a good school too now!!" I cant even begin to imagine whats going through this poor kids mind he was rejected from the hero course and was out into the normal class with yamada as a teacher poor kid, but he just smiled and reassured his kids i cant stay here any longer watching this kid suffer is just too much " well i must be going now thank you so much for talking with me i am truly sorry" i said trying to hold back tears. "They boy smiled brighter than any sun I've seen before and just said " no problem it was amazing meeting a pro hero and having them come inside my own home no less and my kids were so excited too!! I hope you have a good day Mr.Hero goodbye!!" He waved at me as i walked off. I was passing by a store when i saw the news turn on and something peaked my interest. "Breaking news a quirkless boy turned quirkless!! Today a young boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya saved over 300 people in a deadly fire that was caused by a fight between All Might and Dabi the fire villain!! The young boy dove in one last time to make sure everyone was safe and realised there was still 2 more kids inside he grabbed them and tan out of the building just as they escaped it began to collapse and they were almost killed!!! Luckily out young hero survived by the stress and pressure forcing his DNA to form a quirk heres the footage of what happened!!
his eyes were bright crystal blue and so was his hair except it had white highlights. He was glowing and tribal markings covered almost all his body. He had one hand raised to the building he slowly lowered it and the peices of debris slowly stitched back together
End scene——
What a doosey he saved all those people and even resalvaged the building and recieved praise from even All Might himself!! This young boy is destined to be a hero!!"
Aizawa turned away in shame he had judged this boy and was the one who argued if he's quirkless theres no point in him being in heroics. This boy single handedly saved over 300 people as well as having kids and a job to believe he was only 15 was incredible!! If only he had waited just one more day and wasn't so quick to judge maybe the poor boy would have made it into heroics like he dreamed. And i cant stop worrying about the fact that hes alone with that dickhead and so are his kids but he would probably never let him hurt the kids. I finally made it to UA I decided i would talk to Nezu about Izuku and hopefully change his mind!
Timeskip brought by an adorable Aikiko——
I sighed in defeat and turned away it was too late to help this heroic kid i just had to wait for the sports festival so hopefully he could get into the heroics department

Some shady alley way——
Pov - ?????
Well Izu-chan think i would let you get away that easily just wait till i get you and the kids back you will regret never chasing after me!! But first i have to get rid of that abusive son of a bitch no hurts izu-chan but me!!

Hey its ya Author incase you were wondering Izuku now has silvery blue hair like toumora with white highlights and silvery blue yes whereas his skin also turned a couple of shades darker and his tribe marks are white and glow against his tanned skin. Anyway heres some information on his current boyfriend Damien!
Name- Damien white
Gender- male
Quirk- wings. He sprouts long angel like wings from his back
Age- 20
Mum- lily white
Dad- cameron white
And he looks like this

 He sprouts long angel like wings from his backAge- 20Mum- lily whiteDad- cameron whiteAnd he looks like this

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Obviously Izuku has a small obsession with people and dark hair and pale skin😂

Well imma go now i was on my guitar and accidentally split my fingers open so yee it hurts but ill get over it😂 anyway have a good time doing whatever ur doing and if you wanna see the new izuku just look at the picture on the top and imagine him like that except darker skin and tribal markings!2824 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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