Chapter 13

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I laid on the doctors' table, the cold gel spread across my stomach. Maddox had his hand in mine waiting to see the baby. We heard the heartbeat as our eyes flicked to the screen. The doctor spoke clearly "okay Sawyer you should be expecting around the 14th of December. Would you like to know what you're having?"

I looked over to Maddox, he beamed at me answering the doctor "we do."

She changed the angle of the ultrasound machine, she looked saddened for a moment but she quickly recovered "it would appear you are having a...boy."

Maddox beamed at me "I told you so, see I'm good at this..."

My eyes flicked back over to the doctor she was still looking at the machine. I asked, "everything is alright doc?"

Her eyes flicked over to me "Sawyer have you experienced any bleeding during your pregnancy?"

I nodded my head "yeah, a few nights ago but the doctor couldn't tell me why. Is everything okay?"

The doctor put the machine down giving me towels to clean my stomach. She got up from her chair "okay clean up then I want us to talk in my office."

I looked over to Maddox "yeah let's go."

I cleaned up and then we made our way into her extremely clean office that reeked of disinfectant. We sat down on the great cloud like chairs, she started "during the ultrasound I noticed that partial amount of your cervix is covered by your placenta. The medical term is Placenta Previa which is a condition where the placenta lies low in the uterus. The placenta may separate from the uterine wall as the cervix begins to dilate during labour but it also may not. Being that your cervix is partially covered when you go into labour you will need to have a cesarean to deliver."

I took Maddox's hand into mine firmly squeezing "how bad is this?"

Maddox moved his other hand down to my thigh firmly squeezing it. The doctor continued "it can of course vary, every patient is different. Having this condition means you would need to be on bed rest and more frequent hospital visits. If you start to bleed heavily get to the hospital and call me personally, I will give you my number as you leave. But if it's light bleeding wait until morning if you can. If the bleeding is uncontrollable we would need to perform an emergency cesarean but of course ideally, we would like you to get to 36 weeks at least."

Maddox asked, "what other symptoms can we expect?"

The doctor clicked on her computer screen a few time "mainly the bleeding and possible contractions but the bleeding may stop. We don't need to hugely worry about the little amount of blood but you should still get it checked out. You are in the second trimester, if it continues into the third trimester we would need to run tests." I nodded my head to allow her to continue "through this pregnancy you need to be calm, lots of rest. No physical activity which includes; running, squats and sex. We also need to minimise the amount you travel."

The doctor then left us in her office to digest all of the information. I turned to Maddox his hands still holding me. I cried "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Maddox took me into his arms kissing my forehead "you don't need to be sorry let's go home. We should go home and get you into bed I need to think."

Maddox lead me to the car and helped me get in, once done he went back to the service desk and got the doctors number then drove us home. When we got there Olivia and JT were waiting for us. They both looked so happy. When they saw our faces those looks were wiped off their faces. Maddox spoke before I could "let me get Sawyer up to bed then I will fill you in."

I stopped him "no let's get it over with! I have some condition that means I can't have this baby naturally and that is why there was bleeding the other night. I could lose this baby."

Olivia looked to Maddox, he continued "she could lose the foetus or her life. She could haemorrhage before or during the pregnancy. She has to be on complete bed rest and no physical activity or stress. We need to go to the doctors more often and shit, we're having..."

I yelled "we are having a baby boy, say it, baby. Maddox, it's just a baby."

Olivia looked confused "what's happening here?"

I yelled before Maddox could speak "he wants to get rid of the baby, he wants to get an abortion." With that, I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and laid in bed.

Maddox's Point of View

Once she stormed off I was left with my confused parents "why Maddox, why an abortion?" Mum asked as tears welled in her eyes.

I looked over to dad, he wore an extremely shocked face. I cleared my throat "it could kill her, I don't want her to die Mum. This foetus could kill her and in the end, we still might lose the baby, so much can go wrong."

Mum took me into her arms "son do what's right for her at the moment, I know you are scared but fighting with her isn't going to do her any good, keep her calm and wait out the storm."

I shook my head "I am trying to do what's best for her, I don't want her to die."

I then walked away from mum and dad, walking to my room to change and then into Sawyers room. When I walked in she was laying on her back with her hands cradling her stomach. I sat on the bed next to her not wanting to speak yet. Sawyer spoke for both of us "I like the name Tarquin."

I looked over to her shocked...

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