Chapter 18

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Today I didn't tell Maddox's of the appointment I had instead I told him we had to retrieve something for the wedding which is tomorrow. As we were waiting in the doctors' office Rachel turned to me "are you sure you don't want Maddox here instead I could call him, I know he will get over it."

I sadly shook my head "no he can't know. I love him but he will postpone the wedding and I don't want that. I want to be his wife, his extremely pregnant wife."

Before Rachel could continue the doctor came in she was surprised to see someone other than Maddox. She did an ultrasound to check the placenta and then checked my bloods. She did a quick infusion and then I was back in her office. I joked "how's my baby cooking."

She wore a grim look on her face "his lung seems to be developing how we would want them. I suggest an immediate cesarean to get him out before you go into labour. Sawyer now would be a good time."

I shook my head "we can wait two days please Lydia. I am getting married tomorrow, I'm sure nothing bad can happen in two days. I'll come here tomorrow night if I have to but please let me get married."

The doctor nodded two days and then we get your little boy out. Congratulations to getting to 34 weeks Sawyer."

I smiled at her before leaving her office. As soon as we got into the car she turned to me "I think we should let Maddox know. I know you want to get married but think of your son."

I was hurt by her words "I am always thinking of my son Rachel but I am also thinking of Maddox. Other than his son nothing in this word would make Maddox happier. He wants to marry me, Rachel, I want to give him that. Tomorrow the only walking I will be doing is to the car. JT is carrying me down the aisle and then the whole time I'm in a chair. I will be fine."

Without another word, Rachel drove me home. When we got there she dropped me off and then left. When I got inside Olivia was sitting on the couch, she turned to me "is everything, okay honey."

I shook my head "no but it will be soon."

Wedding Day
Rachel and Olivia stood either side of me helping me into my beautiful gown that probably wasn't made for a pregnant bride. My hair and makeup already done now it was the dress and off we went.

As JT helped me into the car he kissed my forehead "I'm so proud to be giving you a way to my son baby girl

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As JT helped me into the car he kissed my forehead "I'm so proud to be giving you a way to my son baby girl. I'm so proud of what you have achieved and how much you have grown. Welcome to the family Sawyer."

I wiped away the unwanted tears "please don't make me ruin my makeup. Maddox hasn't seen me yet JT. I am touched immensely by your words."

It was a quick trip and we were only a few minutes late. JT got out first and pulled me into his open arms. Rachel and Olivia went ahead as matrons of honour. Then we followed. It was a small intimate wedding with only us and the club. I stood with Maddox as JT passed my hand from his to Maddox. Finally, JT sat down and Maddox plastered a quick kiss to the top of my hand. The ceremony started "dear beloved we are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Maddox Williams and Sawyer Smith."
I am going to skip the unnecessary boring wedding stuff you would usually skim over your welcome
"Now friends and family Maddox and Sawyer have written their own vows which they would like to share with you."

Maddox tearfully begins "Sawyer I have known you since you were in your early teens. I watched you grow into this beautiful, amazing and extremely talented woman that you are today. We didn't have a great start but over time you grew on me and now we are here, together. Six months ago I only imagined that one day in the very far distance would we get here." The tears silently flowed down his face, he continued "you have given me everything I have ever dreamed in life you and our son, I'm looking forward to our future and everything else we are to gain together."

I quickly dried my eyes "Maddox you were an asshole when we first met but in that first year you taught me so much. You taught me to fight for what I believe in, to stand up for my self and how to kick-ass. Then as years went on you taught me different things like birds and the bees, my math homework, how to sneak out, them how to sneak back in. You convinced me to love you and then you gifted me the best gift unknowingly our son. I don't know where I would be without you and I can never thank you enough for that." I was a sobbing mess by the end and Maddox was in a similar state.

We barely got the finish the ceremony before Maddox had me wrapped in his arms with his lips glued to mine. "Hello wife" he spoke against my lips".

"Hello husband" I replied smiling.

When we pulled away we looked around the cheering crowd. Maddox scooped me into his arms and walked me over to the grassed area where the food trucks were waiting. We waited as everyone congratulated us and then Maddox escaped to get us food. BOW (Baby Of Williams) was hungry. As I waited for Maddox Olivia and JT came and kept me company. When he returned we sat contently before we tiredly bid everyone farewell.

It was an anxious trip home, mainly because I knew I needed to tell Maddox that tomorrow we were going to see our son for the first time. Maddox carries me through the threshold and up the strains to my bedroom. I disappeared for a moment leaving me to remove my wedding dress. As I slipped into one of Maddox's old shirts that's when it started the bleeding. It was all on my hand and down my legs pooling on the floor. I called for him and that's all I remember.

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