Paper 3

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Jennie's POV

*Honk Honk*

I finished dressing up for the concert, I'm currently wearing a white shirt, leather jacket and black pants. After i was done i heard a honking sound outside my house, Kai told me he couldn't come because of a meeting so he's sending someone to accompany me. When i got out of the house i saw someone, a familiar figure going out of the car, a blonde girl who was wearing a black top with a denim jacket over it and shorts, she looked hot, when she turned around i saw her face and it was... LISA?

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly. She smiled and said, "Kai told me to come with you since he can't, so yeah." Lisa said as she scratched her neck, i hate when she does that it makes my heart flutter and i hate it.

"Shall we? We're gonna miss the concert." Lisa said as she went inside the car.

The car ride was quiet, Lisa looked so peaceful driving and i just stared at the window. When the traffic came Lisa got her phone and connected it to the speaker, she picked a song and it totally surprised me, she chose something very unforgettable.

'Its late in the evening,
Shes wondering what clothes to wear.
She puts on her make-up,
And brushes her long brown hair.

And when she asked me,
Do i look alright?
I said 'My darling,
You look wonderful tonight'

Lisa sang the last verse and it made me think about that time, 5 years ago.


"So right now we have an open mic! If anyone here likes to come up and sing then step right up, dedicate one song to your one and only."
The MC said which caused everyone to cheer and laugh.

Jennie and Lisa both laughed but then Lisa looked at Jennie and just stared at her for what felt like an eternity.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jennie asked while she hides her red cheeks with her phone.

Lisa smiled, "Because you're beautiful." She said which caused Jennie to gulp. Lisa then stood up from their table and went up on the stage, Jennie tried to stop her but she just laughed.

"Okay so this next song is very special, its an oldie but a goodie, uh its for my beautiful girlfriend who's sitting right there" Lisa said as she pointed at Jennie who was shy because of the cheering crowd around her.

"Sweets, this is for you." Lisa said which caused Jennie's heart to flutter.

'Its late in the evening,
Shes wondering what clothes to wear.
She puts on her make-up,
And brushes her long brown hair.

And when she asked me,
Do i look alright?
I said 'My darling,
You look wonderful tonight'

After Lisa was done singing she immediately went to Jennie to kiss her, she kissed it passionately, Jennie was crying because of happiness, it is the first time that someone had done this to her and it made her feel very blessed.

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