○ TEN ○

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○ TEN ○

"You're mad at me" I said simply.

"Not at all" he replied.

"I can feel it in your look, your definitely mad at me"

"Why did you leave this morning?" He exploded suddenly.

I winced and looked down at my hands. "I thought it'd be pretty awkward if I stayed" I replied, glancing everywhere but at the man at the desk.

"Awkward!? I woke up to find you gone with no trace or even a note that said hey, see you on Monday, what's awkward is that you basically treated me like a one night stand" he said standing up.

His eyes were stormy, flashing like lightning. I was confused. "This was a one time thing" I said, finally looking at him.

Erik noved from behind his desk, walking towards me.

I stayed close to the door, in case of an emergency exit. "I don't fucking think so" he replied, stopping in front of me.

Anger built within me, for what I didn't know. "Last night as obviously a mistake and I'm sorry if you thought that meant anything, you're my boss! I cannot have any type of sexual relationship with you, so let's just leave it as it is"  I snapped at him.

My eyes widening, I realised I just yelled at him. "You have no idea what you are talking about" Erik said, his eyes flashing again.

"Then please, enlighten me" I replied, narrowing my eyes.

He launched forward, grabbing my face and kissing me hard. My back slammed into the door but I didn't have a chance to even think about the pain before Erik was pulling me forward, making me crash into his granite body.

His lips clashed furiously with mine, his hands moving from my cheeks to bury in my hair, holding me still.

Plink. Plink. Plink.

Buttons flew everywhere as my hands ripped at Erik's office shirt. I barely heard anything as Erik pulled away and pushed everything off his desk. I grabbed him, kissing him again as he picked me up, plopping me on the desk carelessly.

I didn't care either. He stepped in between my legs and I immediately wrapped them around his waist as his lips lowered to my jaw.

Biting gently, he distracted me but I zoned back in as I felt my first three buttons pop open. Undoubtedly, our lips were bruised and swollen, our hair a mess in each other's hands. This was every boss slash assistant romance ever and I didn't mind being apart of the cliche.

I leaned back, my mouth open in pleasure as Erik's lips passed over my breasts. We were both heaving and I suddenly remembered that Fabian Tryelle was going to be here any second.

Regrettably, I pushed Erik away. Breathing heavily, I started to redo my buttons. "What's wrong" Erik said, his eyes slitted in desire.

"Fabian will be here any moment" I replied, respectfully letting out my hair.

I redid it into a neat bun. Erik glanced at his shirt, the fabric hanging together by one button. "This shirt is ruined" he said, before glaring at me.

I looked away, embarrassed. I heard him shuffle and looked up to see him take off his suit jacket and take off the ruined shirt.

His naked torso met my eyes and it looked even better than I remembered. Firm, toned and marked with tattoos. God save me.

He moved to his desk and pulled open a draw, taking out a shirt. "You keep clothes in your desk?" I asked, kinda weirded out.

"In case I spill food or something happens to it" he replied, giving me a soft look.

He pulled it on and buttoned it up. He was just straightening the cuffs of his suit jacket when a knock on the door sounded. I had picked up everything off the floor, putting them neatly on the desk.

"Enter" Erik said, glancing at me.

I was standing by the window as he sat down at his desk. The door opened to reveal Fabian Tryelle. "Good morning Erik and Aviana" Fabian said cheerfully.

"This won't take long" he added.

Fabian gestured to his chest while looking at me.  Frowning, I looked down before blushing. I'd done my buttons wrong. "S-sorry, I r-rushed over here" I said, turning around and redoing them properly.

"Here is my proposal, I expect an answer by Monday morning, if we go through this than both of our companies will win, if we do not, than it was a pleasure to meet you both, I expect Aviana's email on Monday" he said, slamming a folder on Erik's desk.

He gave me a respected nod before turning around and leaving. "And I needed to be here why?" I breathed out.

"Deals and proposals always need witnesses" Erik said calmly as he shuffled through the folder.

Fabian was gone and it was quiet in the office. "Am I free to leave?" I asked, feeking awkward.

"No" he replied.

Huffing, I sat down, turning my head to stare out the window. I felt his eyes on me. "We need to talk about what happened last night and just now" he said firmly.

I looked at him. "By all means, talk.." I trailed off.

"Last night wasn't just something to me and I was very aware you were my assistant, I do however apologise for putting you in such a predicament you felt as though it was awkward to stay the morning" he started.

I looked down at ny hands. "However, I am not sorry for what occured during the hours of six pm and four am, everybody in this office is already aware at how emotionally attached I am to you, and I had no idea you had no idea about it" he said, standing up.

I watched him with raised eyebrows. "I was planning on letting this all drop but after what just happened, I don't think so.. I know you feel what I feel and there's not point lying to me about it, now only one question remains, what the hell are we going to do with this sexually charged energy between us?" He finished.

My mouth fell open.


Hehehe. Another chapter for you!
I hope you enjoyed, my lovelies.

Lots of love, Tavana. Xoxoxox
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