christian [david vs. goliath]

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spoilers for survivor season david vs. goliath !!

written with a oc!! 

oc profile - 

name - abigail (abby) winchester 

hair - brown // just past shoulder length 

eyes - brown 

height - 5'5 

"Christian! Let's bring out your girlfriend Abby!" Jeff said, a smile broke out on Christians face that was so wide that it looked like it hurt. Then, from the bushes, the most beautiful girl came running out. She was shorter than Christian, with brown medium length hair and bright brown eyes.

She ran right into Christians open arms, and tucked her face into his neck. "Oh my God, I missed you so much." He said, squeezing her around the middle. She pulled away and looked down at him, "You're so skinny!" She giggled, "God, I missed that laugh." He said. He cupped her face, and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, she pulled away, getting shy. Sensing that she was getting shy in front of everyone, he distracted her by looking over at Jeff. "Look! It's my new friend Jeff!" He said, bringing her over to Jeff. 

He held out a hand, and she shook it. "Wow. It's the Jeff Probst." She whispered, Jeff laughed. They walked back a bit. "So, Christian, I think all of us are wondering about your love life. So, tell us about this woman, Abby." Jeff said. Christian smiled and pulled her into his chest. "She's the most wonderful, kind, smart and beautiful woman I have met in my entire life. She's perfect." Abby laughed, and got shy and hid her face in his chest. 

Jeff laughed, and Abby heard Gabby mutter "True love." Abby looked up at Christian as he was saying something to Jeff. "Alright, give her a last hug." Jeff said. Christian pulled Abby back into his chest, and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. "I'm sorry. It's such a long game." She nodded, "It's okay." She said. He let her go with hesitation, and she walked to the bench. "I love you." He spoke looking at her, she looked back and giggled, "I love you to." 

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