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The Berserkers long bone claws tore the front of the car, making an eerie sound it wasn't until I get out of the car automatically Derek calls me to get back in. "I'll be fine stay in the car trust me" I scream over the loud sound of the berserker tearing the car apart. When I step away from the door of the car the berserker just stares at me he holds it until he makes his move he backs up getting ready to pounce as soon as he runs I look at him and I push out an emotion fear. I make him fear me I take his emotion hope I take the emotions that makes it think it can win I feel my eyes glow, instead of fearing it I embrace. It suddenly turns and runs away, as soon as it's gone I collapse to the ground everyone jumps out of the car Derek reaches me first he picks me up and puts me back in my seat.

"I can't fix this" Derek says "we can walk the schools only a couple of blocks away" Stiles says "okay" Derek answers Stiles. Lydia walks over to me looking concerned she asks "are you okay Shay?" "Yeah I'm okay" I answer her with a smile "how did you do that?" She looks at me "I don't know it just happend.." "You sent that berserker running I've never seen anyone do that before, not even scott" "thanks I guess" I say looking at the ground.

"You guys ready yet" Derek shouts over to us me and Lydia walk behind them she tells me about her story and how she came to her banshee powers "I got bitten by an alpha as well, were immune our powers aren't supposed to come until our eighteenth birthday with banshees I guess it's the same as empaths. When my powers started I ran into the woods and stayed there for like two days, everyone thought I was turning into a werewolf and killing innocent people the reason I ran was because the voices, they were so loud I couldn't take it. I didn't find out I was a banshee until a year after I got my powers, it was so scary I didn't have anyone like you have us I was alone." She finishes "that must've been terrible is there any other banshees?" I ask her "my grandmother was a banshee until she died but there's another banshee, Meredith Walker she was in Eichen House until I drove her over the edge and she hung herself. But that was a fake death she didn't really kill herself it turns out she was The Benefactor and she made the dead pool, the night we figured it out was the night your parents died." She finishes and we keep walking in silence.

By the time we reach the school it's already starting to get dark on winter days it starts to get dark at five. Scott text Derek telling him the school was keeping everyone back till seven and they didn't tell them why. When were there I get the feeling of death even worse I stop walking and stare the noises get louder the slamming of lockers and then I hear gunshots getting louder and louder with every shot, I wince in pain and lean down on a bench covering my ears everything starts to get blurry "go inside I'll help him" Lydia says to Stiles and Derek. "Shay concentrate on me" she says the ringing and gunshots get louder "Shay!" She says loudly that snaps me to concentrate at her but I still hear the sounds "just concentrate on my voice and breathe" she tells me and as I do as she explains the voices get quieter and quieter until there not there. "Thank you so much" I get up and hug her and whisper in her ear "can you hear it?" "Yes" she whispers back to me.

When we walk into the school I automatically sense them there in the basement. Lydia and I rush to the stairwell that leads to the basement by the time were down in the basement they've already heard us, "holy carp you're right there isn't even a scratch on him." Scott says to Derek looking me up and down "dude that was really brave I think I underestimated your skills" he says in awe "I think we all did" Stiles says "but right now we have a murder to stop"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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