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"Is that everything? Is it over?" Freddie asked as he propped himself up with one of the couch pillows. He was half-buried in a sea of colorful wrapping paper and the incessant crinkling made Jim shoot him an irritated glance as the singer finally got comfortable and stopped moving around.

"I have one last gift for you, Fred." As Freddie turned to him, Jim got off the couch and walked over to the tree. He went around the far side of it and bent down, sighing as Freddie made a soft noise behind him.

"Is that the gift?" Freddie purred, biting his lip before continuing, "because the view from here is divine, darling."

"If you aren't quiet then I'm returning this," Jim huffed as he plucked one final wrapped box from behind the tree. He'd carefully hidden it so that Freddie would miss it in his enthusiastic present-opening excitement. He carried it slowly over to the man sitting on the couch, making sure to hold on to it with both hands.

"Oh nonsense," Freddie scoffed and reached out for the last present, "give it here."

Jim held it away from him, "you know I'm not one to enjoy big celebrations, Fred," he reminded him once again. Freddie rolled his eyes as an easy smile played on his lips. Jim had told him, one too many times, that he wasn't looking to have a big Christmas party this year. Jim had made him promise not to shower him with lavish gifts and only have a small gathering of friends over for dinner.

Freddie had reluctantly agreed, but now that they were well into the third hour of opening presents, Jim realized that his desire for a "small celebration" just wasn't grand enough for his flamboyant lover.

Freddie's hands dropped into his lap as he looked up at Jim who was still clutching the box protectively to his chest, "yes, darling, you've made your point painfully clear. But whatever you've got there is intriguing me and I simply must know what it is. Only then can you tell me how much you deeply despise my glamorous lifestyle."

Jim regarded him carefully, considering taking it further and making Freddie have to wait longer, but he simply couldn't wait to see the look on his lover's face when he opened the box. He stepped closer, his knees brushing the edge of the sofa as he held the box out for Freddie to take, "alright, you greedy bastard," he teased, "here you go."

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" Freddie joked back, laughing softly as the box was exchanged between the two, "now what is it?"

"Do not shake it!" Jim squeaked suddenly, a look of horror crossing his features.

Freddie looked at him strangely as his hands rested atop the box. Upon further inspection, Freddie noticed the top was not taped down. It was clearly one of his shoeboxes that Jim had wrapped and had stuck a silver bow on the top of the lid.

Freddie hummed to himself, his fingertips resting against the lid when he saw the tiny holes poked in the sides, "what on earth..." he glanced at Jim, the beginnings of a grin on his face, "Jim..."

Jim was smiling back, "Just open it."

By now Freddie's lips were parted in a perfect, crooked grin and he lifted the lid from the box, a gasp escaping him upon viewing its contents.

Nestled up against the inside of the box, curled into a tight little ball in the corner, was the fluffiest calico kitten Freddie had ever seen. She blinked slowly at him; her bright green eyes were wide and full of curiosity.

Freddie's mouth hung open in surprise. He seemed so caught off-guard by his boyfriend's gift that Jim wasn't sure that he'd heard his words, "She was the last of her litter to be sold," Jim told him, "Now, Freddie...I know we already have enough cats. But I just saw this little one and I –"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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