There's no safety net that's underneath

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Sunrise with you on my chest, the light alerting us to the fact that it's morning. There are no blinds in the place where I live, maybe I should get some now. It's one of those jobs you keep putting off, I used to be able to sleep through everything, and then with strictly I was up before the sun. Maybe now I have time, I should get some.

Daybreak open your eyes, you lean over me, whispering in my ears, waking me up. I'm not used to this, I've been alone for ages and I'm not used to having someone lying next to me, day in day out. It was weird when you went to Oz, suddenly I was on my own. 'Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night, it was that one night stand after Blackpool. It was never supposed to be a long-term thing, a quick romance at best. Then suddenly I'm getting all these things I've never felt before. I'm not going to lie Di, it's scary. It's a world I've never crossed before.

It wasn't supposed to be something that lasted. Yet here I am, laying here missing you, missing your laugh and your stupid singing. I'm not supposed to be feeling like this. This is deeper than anything else I've ever felt. Something I was scared of. Still, we're changing our minds here, we are allowed, there's no rule against it. I am allowed to fall in love, even though the thought scares me profusely. Instead of wanting to run away, something that I thought I would resort too, I want to be yours, be my dear. I want you, and not just in the sexual way. It's a deeper connection. It hit me when you nearly fainted at Joseph. I felt something I can't explain, and it really scared me that you might be hurt, not the feeling that I needed you.

Then you came back, and everything felt better. I didn't realise that I missed you so much. I'm so glad I could spend time with you that night, that you were my New Year's kiss, basically summing up the last few months. The cold beating onto our backs, the cameras weren't on, so close with you on my lips, touch noses, feeling your breath on my face, smiling. A private moment, witnessed by a media circus. Yet I don't seem to care, I don't care who sees, it's not a secret anymore. The photo someone took, with the fireworks, I actually quite like. That's a night I will remember forever, Stacey and I presenting, watching madness, kissing you and singing Auld Lange Syne, forever captured on the BBC archive.

Push your heart and pull away, yeah. The kiss had to be brief, the fireworks are on, and it's probably a once in a lifetime experience. They were pretty, but not as pretty as your face. You were slightly mesmerised by it, I loved the way your face looked in awe as the fireworks illuminated the London skyline. A stark comparison to the Banbury skyline you had been enjoying for the last ten days.

Be my summer in a winter day love, keeping me warm. Everything seems better in the summer, everything is more exciting. Everything just appears better, you make my winter seem better. Usually its depressing, at this time of the year, but you lit up my life, like the fireworks in the sky. Except it was more beautiful, more powerful than I could ever imagine.

I can't see one thing wrong, between the both of us. Without sounding pompous, we are perfect together. At least we are at the minute, maybe one day, that may change. I hope it doesn't, because I don't want this to end. I care too much about you. I don't know what it will be like when you go back on strictly, maybe it will be okay, but at the moment I just want you to be mine, I want you to be mine anytime. I don't like the idea of never seeing you, because that is what will happen. At the moment, I just want to enjoy us. We have all the time in the world, at the moment.

Ooh, you know I've been alone for quite a while, haven't I? You haven't, you had him. I don't hate him, I bet he hates me though, for taking you. You're so special. I don't know much about the guy, except that he's off Emmerdale and that's something my nan likes. I worried, at first, because he's so fit. Like physically, and I'm there with my tiny calves, I wasn't him. Except it just worked, I can't explain it. You and I, you got it. We work, despite the odd. I didn't expect it to be like this. The other girls, it was different. With you, it was different.

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