week six.

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Tuesday 12:42 PM

Grace went to table where all the girls were sitting at lunch and sat down as they looked at her. "Hey, what's up." Grace said. "We were just talking about the dance team." Kelsey said. "And if we should take a trip for valentine's or throw a fundraiser party." Kelsey added as she looked at Grace. "But we might just take a trip or who knows we can even maybe get in on the boys valentine's get together." Kelsey said looking at them as they nodded and Grace looked at them. "Get in on the boys? Kelsey what are you talking about." Grace said looking at her. "Every Year, the football team has this valentine's party, and the top five players on the team have a competition who can sleep with the most girls." Kelsey said glancing up at Grace. "And that would be Daniel, P-Jo, That one kid that Josefina always hooks up with and the other two with the curly hair." Kelsey added as they looked at her. "It's a tradition, Kelsey you would be okay with Daniel sleeping with other girls." Zoya asked raising her eyebrow. "Sometimes you just have to accept it." Kelsey said with a smile. "Daniel's brother slept with 105 girls or something like that within three days." Megan said. "What do you expect from Williamson brothers?" Kelsey said looking up a Grace, who was looking at Josefina as she spoke. "But if we do have a fundraiser, it has to be good." Josefina said as the bell rang.

Grace walked out the school as she went to the parking lot getting into Daniel's car shutting the door as he leaned and tried kissing her as she leaned towards the door. "What's wrong?" Daniel said sighing looking at her sitting in the seat. "This is not gonna work." Grace said looking at him and he raised his eyebrow. "What?" Daniel said looking at at her. "If you wanna go have fun and do that competition during valentine's and sleep with girls go, I don't care." Grace said crossing her arms. "But if you think i'm going to stay around and wait, your wrong." Grace said looking out the front window. "What are you talking about?" Daniel said looking at her. "I know you will be sleeping around, I'm not dumb." Grace said looking out the window, as Daniel turned on the car and drove off. "What are you doing, stop the car." Grace said as he drove around the school to the back parking lot. "Kelsey was coming, this way." Daniel said looking at her. "And look I'm not gonna sleep around with girls if that's what you think or heard." Daniel said looking at her. "Right, that's what your depressed brother said right." Grace said looking at him. "You really thought I fell for that." Grace said looking at him. "Yeah I lied about that I'm sorry." Daniel said looking at her. "You lied, of course you did." Grace said looking at him. "You lie to." Daniel said looking at her. "That's to protect, Kelsey." Grace said rolling her eyes. "Well I did it to protect you, what's the difference?" Daniel said looking at her. "The difference is I don't wanna be protected." Grace said looking at him. "Well does Kelsey wanna be protected?" Daniel said looking at her as she looked at him and rolled her eyes as the both stayed quite for a few moments before Daniel broke the silence. "Grace, what is this really about?" Daniel said looking over at her. "You really think I would sleep with a ton of random girls on Valentine's." Daniel said looking at her. "Look how hard, and long I tried to get with you, do you really think I would ruin that." Daniel said looking over at Grace. "Okay, but how can I get to know you better. How can I trust you?" Grace said looking at him. "You don't even want me to meet your family." Grace said looking over at him. "You don't need to meet my family, to get to know me." Daniel said looking over at her. "What about your family, you never talk about them." Daniel said looking over at her as she looked at him. "We absolutely can talk about my family." Grace said looking at him. "I was an unplanned child, my mom was always with my dad, didn't pay no mind to me, my dad all he ever cared about was money and my mom, they didn't love me all they cared about was each other." Grace said looking at him. "My aunt took care of me until freshman year, I went with Ben to Dallas and we moved again to Austin, he has custody of me until I turn 18." Grace said looking at him. "I talk to my parents on holidays and that's it." Grace said. "I have one brother, who I really don't see due to my aunt." Grace said as Daniel looked at her. "Your turn." Grace said looking at him. "I find that hard to believe, that your parents don't love you." Daniel said looking at her. "That's not possible." Daniel said as Grace looked at him and turned her head sniffing her nose hiding her face. "Your turn go.." Grace said quietly as Daniel looked over at her. "Grace, look at me." Daniel said reaching down at her hand and grabbing it as Grace turned and looked at him slowly looking at him. "There's some things I can't tell you, but trust me when I say this." Daniel said looking at her as he held her hand. "I won't hurt you, I swear." Daniel said looking over at her as she looked up at him. "And if you wanna meet my brother, you can meet him." Daniel said looking at her as he held her hand. "Okay?" Daniel said looking at her as Grace nodded her head. "Okay.." Grace said with a small smile as Daniel leaned in and kissed her as she kissed him back softly with a small smile as she slowly pulled away looking up at him as he smiled. "I'm taking you home?" Daniel said looking at her as Grace looked at him and nodded as she held his hand as he started the car and drive off from the parking lot...

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