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"Don't fear change.
You may lose something good,
but you may also gain something great."


Brenna's P.O.V

Everything was quiet in this cozy house of mine, well, Charlie's I should say. I am not even sure if he had gotten up to go get Bella from the airport yet, all I knew was that she was coming today. Nothing could stop it. So, why do I feel like everything is fixing to come apart? It's not like I had anything to worry about. Charlie would still love me like his own and Jacob would still be there for me when I needed him. The only difference would be having to add an extra person to share the bathroom with. Not that I minded, but at certain times I found it was hard to make it work with Charlie so I dreaded how it would be sharing with another girl.

"Brenna, I'm going to pick up Bella." Charlie called up the stairs from the lower level of the house. So, he did happen to be up. Maybe I had just been blocking him out this time or maybe he was more quiet than usual. "Do you want to come?" He asked before he was leaving. He always asked me if I wanted to go places with him. Depending on where we were going would depend on my answer.

"No." I called back as I picked up my book from the bedside table. My door was open so I knew he could hear my answer. "I will see her when she gets here." I called back again. I knew that Charlie really wanted us to get along. Of course, I would for his sake. He was nice enough to adopt me when my parents left me, so why would I disrespect him by not trying to be friends with his actual daughter? I never wanted to mess up my relationship with Charlie. He was the only family I had left.

"If you need anything just call." Charlie yelled again before I heard the front door shut. I knew that when I heard his keys jingling that he was locking the door from the outside. He didn't want anyone breaking in on me, even though I'm sure that they wouldn't. Forks was a small enough town that everyone knew everybody. So, I highly doubted that someone would break into a police officer's house. Maybe they would though. Who knows? People can be crazy at times.

"yes?"I answer my phone on the first ring. I knew that it was either Charlie to make sure I was okay, Jake to see if Bella was here yet, or Maleah, who happened to be my best friend.

"Hello to you too." I hear Maleah's voice come over the phone as I playfully roll my eyes at her tone. I hadn't seen her in a few days so I knew there would probably be a comment about that sometime in this conversation. "Is Bella there yet?" Maleah asked before waiting for my remark about our greeting.

"No. My dad just left to go get her about 10 minutes ago." I informed her as I placed a bookmark in my book before closing it and placing it on my nightstand beside my bed.

"So, I was talking to Tyler and we both wanted to know why you haven't been around much." Maleah said as I sighed into the phone. Tyler happened to be Maleah's boyfriend and we were all three in a friend group before the two decided to date. I had met Tyler in elementary school which made us friends, but not best friends. I had met Maleah when Tyler and I were at the movies. After that we all three became friends until Maleah and Tyler decided to date. Now, they are separated because of school but the relationship is still going strong. Maleah happens to go to school on the reservation in La Push and Tyler happens to go to school with me.

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