Love & Relationships
Soulmate connection? With 2019's extreme cosmic activity in your twelfth house of fantasy and illusions, a dreamy figure could play a central role in your life. But is this person the real deal or a messenger revealing a part of yourself that needs healing? They could be both. It could take serious reflection—and quite a few plot twists—before you can really tell. You've been recalibrating your romantic radar since February 2017, when an eye-opening eclipse series shook up your axis of "me" and "we." This January, the final installment, a total lunar eclipse, lands in your partnership house. For some Aquarians, a relationship could run its course—or it might go through one last test before evolving to a deeper and more authentic level.
Money & Career
With expansive Jupiter heating up your teamwork and tech house until December, the digital domain could be a prosperous playground. You might work remotely or develop an online venture. Get a cottage industry cooking when cyber-savvy Uranus enters your home sector for seven years in March. Investing in real estate or women-owned businesses could also pay off. Need an extra set of hands or an overall upgrade to Team Aquarius? July's solar eclipse in your sixth house of employees could deliver a dream assistant or a savvy service provider who helps life run like a well-oiled machine.
Health & Wellness
Healing is a huge theme this year as a plethora of planets sweeps through Capricorn and your twelfth house of mind-body-soul wellbeing. Emotional and spiritual transformations gain traction as you shed outmoded layers and patterns. This can be a powerful time for deep forgiveness work or to break addictive and codependent patterns. A solar eclipse in your fitness sector on July 2 could help you kick off a clean eating or exercise program. Pay special attention to "gut health," as the sixth house rules the digestive system.
Family & Friends
Collaborate for the win! With expansive Jupiter in your friendship and group activity zone until December, your social life is a bright spot of 2019. Widen your social circle and RSVP "yes" to inspiring events where you can network, learn and commune with like-minded people. When unpredictable Uranus settles into your home and family sector for eight years this March, a change could sweep through the most personal parts of your life. From a move to baby news to relatives in need, you'll be catching a few fastballs from the universe. All the more reason to rely on the support of your inner circle. In 2019, it truly takes a village.
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Aquarius(Book 5 of Zodiac Signs) (Completed)
SonstigesThis is basically all you need to know about Aquarians and their nature. (These books won't be going in order)