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            "How's the patient?" Doc asked as he walked in. The doors slid open and he and Dr. Janet walked into the room across form mine.
             "He is responding very well to the new abilities that we've given him. He's learning quickly," Dr. Janet exclaimed. The light in my box turned on to show the white room.
             "Well where is he?!" Dr. Murphy was starting to panic.
             "I don't know he was just in here!" Dr. Janet exclaimed.
             "Find him!" Dr. Murphy approached the glass, searching for me. I slammed my hands on the glass and busted out laughing. They could see me again. I turned around and walked away from the window, wiping away my tears and holding my stomach.
              "Woo, you should've seen you guys faces," I laughed. "So when are you letting me out of here?" I sat down and crossed my legs, floating in the air.
               "Never, check his vitals Janet," He frowned.
               "What do you mean never? Little old me needs to get out of here soon otherwise heads are gonna start rolling and it won't be pretty," I exclaimed in a very high pitch voice.
                "Yeah and the difference is this glass between us. 33 inches of pure tempered bulletproof proof power nullifying glass," Doc knocked on the glass.
                "Awe Bartholomew, unless you want me to shove your eye balls down your throat so you can watch me rip your heart out, I suggest you make this glass disappear," I smiled.
                 "So you can enter the world? They don't want you!" Doctor Murphy exclaimed.
                 "You think I don't know that? You think I don't know that I'm wanted I'm twelve countries? That I can't go to Dubai and experience the luxuries? That I can't go to America because they're in a civil war and their president is a pumpkin? Doc, I'd rather be out in the world than in here with your bald headed ugly self," I shrugged.
                 "Your insults don't hurt me Kiran. You can't do anything to me. I'm out here, you're in there," he replied.
                "You think this glass can protect you from me?" I smirked. "I'm out there too," a ghost clone of myself brushed its hand across Docs face. He cringed in fear. "You'd be safer in here. Or not, you see, that glass has a 1 centimeter crack that goes all the way through and it's crazy how that's all I need to use my powers," I laughed.
                 "Kiran, you're crazy, and you're never getting out of there. Ever," he exclaimed angrily. I could see fear on Dr. Janet's face.
                 "But I am. I'm getting out of here, and when I do, I'm going to tear down everything you've built. I'm going to take your family from you, Emily, you're sweet wife and your two kids, Josie and Mark. How's Mark doing at college anyway? East Texas  Baptist University right? And Josie just started fifth grade, how spectacular. Didn't Emily just get that new promotion? I'd hate for something to happen to any of them. Or what about your billion dollar franchise you built off of my power? Or the private military you own, just being completely destroyed? I will take everything you've built and I will tear your empire down to ash, then I'll let you build it up again and do it all over, repeatedly, each time chipping away at your soul while you know there's nothing you can do about it. Then, when I'm tired of watching you suffer, I'll kill you in the most gruesome, painful way possible," I glared at him, watching the fear dance around his eyes.
                   "You're crazy Kiran. You're never getting out of here. As soon as we're done studying you, were killing you," Doc exclaimed, wiping away a tear.
                  "Awe, Doctor Frankenstein hates the monster he's created. Too bad, Doc. You reap what you sew. Now I'm not gonna ask again, let me out," I exclaimed.
                 "You will never, ever be free Kiran," he stuck his middle finger up at me. I frowned and rolled my eyes.
                  "Fine, I'll just let myself out. I wanted to give you a chance to save your life Barty, but I guess I'll just let myself out," I clapped my hands and the lights went out. The red emergency lights came on and I was standing behind doctor Murphy. "I'm going to enjoy killing you," I whispered in his ear. He turned around and I was gone. I walked towards the Hanger. Soldiers began pouring into the hall in front and behind me. I started screaming and sonic waves knocked the soldiers in front of me through the wall. I turned around and clenched my fists. The walls slammed together, crushing the soldiers inside. I continued walking and went through the door into the Hanger. Jo stood in front of the helicopters, holding his double sided axe.
                    "You know I can't let you leave Kiran," his country accent was thick.
                    "I know I just don't care," I swiped my hand and a helicopter slammed into him and pushed him up against the wall with a propeller wing at his throat. "Goodbye," I twisted my hand and the propellers accelerated sprinkling blood all over the Hanger. I continued walking out onto the Arctic ice. I smiled, staring into the sky. "It feels so good to be free," I slammed my hands onto the ground and ice beneath my feet shattered. The cracks shot towards the base and I heard the groans of metal as the base began to fall into the freezing water. I watched as the entire military base fell into the sea and then I took off into the sky.

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