Decisions From The Past

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    I stared into Serenity's eyes and it felt like I was looking into space itself. I
got so lost in her. Everything she was, I loved it. Slowly she ran her hands
across my chest, tracing the outlines of my muscles and then bringing them back
up to my neck. "Serenity stop," I exclaimed, moving away from her.
    "Why?" she asked, getting closer to me.
    "Because this isn't right. I can't do this with you. I can't. You're in college, I'm an
entirely different kind of species. You don't deserve me, you deserve better,"
I looked away from her.
    "Kiran I'm not scared," she placed her hand on my cheek. I moved it away. "Don' be
scared, it's gonna be okay."
    "No, it won't be. I love you, but I don't want to be with you. I can't give you what
you want. I can't be the man you want me to be. Doing this will only complicate
things. Plus, youre white, I'm black. Technically we're not even supposed to be
under the same roof. The people would kill you, your friends would hate you if
they knew. Your parents," I exclaimed.
    "Kiran, stop. None of that matters. I don't care about anybody else right now, but you. I love you. I want my future with you. There's no other person on this earth
that could love me like you. No other person that I can love you the way I love
you. I don't want anyone else but you. It's like God made you for me, just for
me. You're a fool if you think I'm just going to leave," Serenity frowned.
    "Serenity, I would die if I hurt you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You know
what I do, you know how dangerous I am. I have killed so many people. I'm going
to kill more. When Doc comes out of the shadows, I must devote my all to
destroying him," I replied.
    "Or you could devote your time to building your future with me. It's supposed to be
me and you forever, remember? I know what you are, who you are. Your actions
don't match your soul, and it's your soul I want to save. So, let me save you
Ki. I love you," Serenity stared at me intensely.
    "Serenity, I'm a monster, a murderer. I have demons that I cannot lay to rest in my head. I cannot make you suffer like that with me, not for the rest of your life. Not
when you deserve so much more. If you love me, you need to let me go," It hurt
to mutter those words to her. She'd been a part of my life for some time now.
    "Fine, but I think it's kinda ironic. I'm friends with demons in my head, and they
like monsters too. So, show me yours," she grabbed me and whispered in my ear.
    "Are you sure?" I grabbed her throat and whispered.
    "I've been sure since before we got to the restaurant," she took her heels off and
tossed them to the side of the room.

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