His feelings

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Bendy (I'm so hyped for this chapter right now guys)

Bendy and the rest of the gang had sat down at their usual table and waited for their friend to come on stage with her friends. They had known (Y/N) for about a month now and Bendy found himself smiling at the mere thought of the girl.

Once they came on stage loud cheering erupted until it all died down, it was like all the other times where (Y/N) took Jumines left and James was on the right. Jumine started singing which then was followed by James but (Y/N) stood silent and just tapped her foot or snapped to the beat.

Jumine then stepped out of the middle and (Y/N) took her place and started signing into the microphone "Go to sleep my little sheep, time to rest your head whether alive or dead, I am the keeper of the key that will set us all free I bring the demon back to life! There's a song that shows us the light, even the lighter side of hell sings with delight, play the notes that I require this will please my desires- you've given me the tools to restart this fire!" She sang loudly.

Tho she might not be lead singer she was able to steal the spotlight with just a few words. I felt myself smile as she stepped back and let Jumine in front, who was smiling gleefully at her best friend. The song continued and (Y/N) sang backup with James like normal, but that fire in her eyes that she had when she sung was still there and she looked truly happy.

"Welcome to the Gospel of dismay!" They all sung together but James quickly pulled the microphone towards him and whispered darkly into the microphone. "Welcome to the Gospel of dismay." This made the crowd roar with cheers.

Jumine hit James atop the back of the head while he just laughed. (Y/N) jumped off the stage and onto the ground smiling happily at her friends, she walked towards our table and sat down next to Boris, "What did you guys think of tonight?" She asked with a smile.

"It was great!" Mugman gave her thumbs up while Cuphead smiled at the girl. "You did great out there (Y/N)." He complimented. Boris then hugged the short girl and gave a loud. "You did awesome (N/N)!" Felix smiled at the (H/C)-ette girl "It was amazing as always." She smiled happily. "Thanks guys that means a lot, what about you Bendy?" She turned to me. "I think you should sing solos more often, it was really awesome and you have a beautiful voice (N/N)." I gave the girl a toothy grin.

Boris gave me a smug look while the cup bros traded each other looks. I could see Felix grinning out of my peripheral vision. (Y/N)'s face turned red and she smiled at me. "Thanks Bendy, that means a lot coming from you!"

I felt my stomach fill with butterflies and heat rise to my face. I had been feeling this way for awhile around her, I didn't know what was going on, perhaps I was sick? I don't know but it was a nice feeling. At least I thought it was. "So why did you sing that solo tonight and not all the other nights?" Mugman asked her. "James couldn't get the words down so I had to do it tonight." She smiled.

"You're really good!" Mugman told the small girl. "Thanks a lot guys." She smiled happily. About an hour had gone by and now it was just me and (Y/N) walking around town. "Is it fun singing in front of a crowd?" I asked the girl.

"Mhm, it's a little scary, but with the spot light in your face you can't see anything less than five feet away." She laughed. "Have you ever sung an entire song by yourself?" I questioned. "Mhm once, it was before we met James and Jumine got sick. I had to sing the song 'All eyes on me' by myself." She smiled.

I took notice of the way her eyes shined in the suns light, how her hair and dress swayed when she walked, and how velvety her voice was every time she spoke. Her laughter was contagious, and the way she smiled lit up my world.

It got dark and I walked her back to her house. We walked up to her door step and she unlocked the door and stood in the door way. "Thanks for walking me home Bends, it's nice talking with you." She smiled. "No problem (N/N), you always got good things to say." I flashed a toothy.

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