Chapter Five

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I wake up to my alarm like every other day, but this time noticing I have a notification from the dating app for sugar daddies and babies. I open it and realize there are multiple that I must have looked over the past couple of days. Two of the five are telling me I'm too young and I shouldn't be on the app. One is saying to call him in two years. Then I see two others, one is from a thirty-one year old whose username is KinkyDaddyForSlut. The other is a twenty-right year old whose user is Harp_H90. I read both of their messages, basically saying that they'd like to talk with me and see where things go.
I put my phone down so that I can get up and get ready before really deciding if I want to continue with what I've begun. I go to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee, and sip on it as I go about the apartment just gathering various school items I left around the place. Emily got up and out of her room and made herself coffee. I got in the shower before she did but heard a, "Bitch you better save me some hot water this time," as I was closing the curtain. I chuckled and turned the water on, and quickly taking my shower so that Emily would have plenty of hot water.
I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist and grabbed a smaller towel to dry my hair. I do everything else to get ready and soon I'm waiting at the table for Emily who promised me a ride to school today. I was on my phone and looking at the messages, I decided to say fuck it and respond to the both of them. I responded to Harp_H90 first:

Harp_H90: Hey baby, would love to grab a cup of coffee maybe one day soon? Let me know😘

Baby_Coop: Hey, I'd like that, but would love to get to know you a little beforehand😊

As for KinkyDaddyForSlut, I was a little hesitant. His profile said he was thirty-one which is a lot older than me, but so was Harp_H90. I am really hoping I can get to a first name basis with these guys.

KinkyDaddyForSlut: Hey baby, how you doing? Would love to treat you to a special treat or two😉

Baby_Coop: Hey, god hbu? Yeah? Like what?

I send the messages and start to feel a little queasy in my stomach, hoping I didn't make a shitty decision. Not too long after I get a response from Harp_H90:

Hapr_H90: Of course babes, ask anything you'd like to know, I'm an open book.

Baby_Coop: Let's start with a name first? I'm Cooper.

Harp_H90: Well Cooper, I'm Harper. Is that all you'd like to know?

Baby_Coop: Well no lol, I can't think of anything else right now. I have to go to school though, if I have anymore questions later I'll let you know lol.

Harp_H90: Alright Cooper, have a good day at school.

I turn off my phone and thought more on the short conversation. What did I want to know? The things running through my mind seemed a little deep to ask just meeting someone. Did I just meet him? Or did I merely meet an online version of a person? What I really wanted to ask was, "Are you a pervert?" That seemed a little personal. It was all running through my mind, but so was the fact that I have been having meaningless sex with so many guys it's almost become numb. Unless they're really good at it, like Barrett.
I decide to put the bad thoughts aside and just continue with my day.


When I walk in the door from work I collapse on the couch. Being fed up with half of my teachers, saying they taught us something they totally did not. Then at work having to deal with idiots that can't seem to follow simple directions. Spencer started giving me rides home regularly, without trying to get into my pants, which was slightly disappointing. I had enough of the day and was not feeling up to doing homework.
As I was scrolling through my phone I get a notification from the app:

Harp_H90: Hey babes, homes from school safely?

Baby_Coop: Yeah, just got home from work actually lol.

I had thought a lot about Harper throughout the day, I had decided to be a little more flirty, and hopefully his offer for the cup of coffee still stood.

Harp_H90: Oh you have a job? What do you do?

Baby_Coop: I'm just a clerk at Target, nothing crazy lol. What do you do?

Harp_H90: I own a clothing brand called Hart Apparel, we're still small but growing.

Baby_Coop: You're joking, I was looking at your jeans the other day and saw a really cute pair but they were sold out lol.

Harp_H90: Really? That's crazy, which ones were they?

Baby_Coop: These ones [image]

Baby_Coop: You guys have really nice clothes, I have a crop top and a pair of sneakers from you too! I'm guessing Hart is what the H in your user stands for?

Harp_H90: Well I always love a satisfied customer, and yes lol.

Baby_Coop: Cool, but hey can I ask you something?

Harp_H90: Of course, babes

Baby_Coop: Are you sure you're ok with my being 16? I know you've probably questioned it, and I get it if you don't really want to have a relationship with me.

Harp_H90: I have questioned it but I thought about it, but I'm interested and I want to get to know you, and when I want something; I get it.

Baby_Coop: Haha ok, and well can I ask you about the whole sugar daddy/baby thing? Like how does it work cause I've never had a real relationship let alone one like that.

Harp_H90: Well basically we can go out and date, I can pay for dinners, give you gifts, even money if you wanted. I want to make you feel pampered and good about yourself. I'd love to show you the ropes at dinner tomorrow? Only if you feel comfortable of course.

I thought about the offer, first it was just coffee, but now it was dinner. Also, what did "show you the ropes" mean? Does he expect sex? Cause I mean I'm down but that could be risky with the age difference. I assured myself I'd be fine and would be able to handle myself if things got out of hand.

Baby_Coop: Sure! I'd love to!

We set up plans to go out, he picked a restaurant I would have never picked, due to how expensive it was, but I guess that's just one of the perks to having a sugar daddy.


Hey again guys! Sorry for another A/N but I'm so close to 500 reads on this book! So if you could share or recommend it to your friends it would be greatly appreciated! Also make sure to follow me for more books I may or may not have coming in the future!

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