Chapter XV

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"The Reynolds Pamphlet." Angelica burst in the house with bags in her hand and papers

Eliza looked up at her in confusion

"What are you doing here, Angelica?" Eliza inquired

Angelica read a couple of lines again to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She looked at Eliza with tears of pity in her eyes.

Angelica's hands shook with anger, "Have you read this?"

"No, let me see it please." Eliza asked politely

She grabbed the paper. If you looked at Eliza, you could tell she aged a lot more, only because of stress. She's been defending her husband from adultery accusations and raising her children alone as usual

"The charge against me is a connection with one James Reynolds, for purposes of improper speculation," Eliza stops

"What's wrong with this, Angie?"

"Keep reading." Angelica was holding back from punching a wall

"My real crime is an amorous connection—w-with his...wife...?" Eliza kept reading but stopped abruptly her eyes widened in shock and she gasped

Angelica grabbed the paper "For a considerable time, with his knowing consent! I had frequent meetings with her most of them in my own house."

Eliza asked "At his own house?"

Angelica responded "At his own house..."


Angelica kept reading "Mrs. Hamilton, My sister in law, and our children being absent on a visit to her father..."

Eliza gasped and shook "No..."

"Eliza I want to comfort you, but right now, I have to find Alexander. He will regret ever stepping foot in your direction, you have my word."

With that, Angelica dropped her bags inside and went to the square, leaving Eliza alone and heartbroken


"Well he's never going to be president now!" Jefferson yells as he stand atop a table in the square

"Never going to be President now!" Madison and Aaron Burr, his long term enemy, said at the same time. The three gentleman laughed as Hamilton got red in the face from the public scrutiny he brought unto himself

"I came as soon as I heard..."

"Whaaaaaat!" Thomas Jefferson yelled as he saw his friend standing in front of his eyes

"Angelica?" Alexander questioned

"All the way from London? Damn." Burr and Madison agreed

"Angelica, thank the lord. Someone who understands what I'm struggling here to do." He grabbed her hands and tried to kiss them

She snatched them away and grabbed his collar

"I'm not here for you" She sneered

"Ooooo" a crowd gathered out of curiosity


"I know my sister like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. How dare you! You abuse her kindness? Her good nature? Her trust? My trust? You disgust me."

"Angelica, please—"

He was caught off by a loud slap on his cheek by Angelica

"Put what we had aside. I'm on my sister's side. If this is what you wanted, then fine. God, I hope you're satisfied!" She yelled at him and started to cry as she ran out of the square

Rewind (A Hamilton AU/ Hamgelica AU)Where stories live. Discover now