winter break trip and partys

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caption: i dyed my hair thoughts?

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@lily_flower: i like it

@albus_severus: wow you become more and more malfoy by the secound

@king_malfoy: babe you already know i love it



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caption: now when where out in puplic people thing where siblings lol @rosie_posie

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lily_flower: you guys low key do look like siblings

@albus_severus: you guys look like twins bro bet you get weirdass looks when you kiss in public

@king_malfoy: @albus_severus we do i swear i once heard a kid ask her mom why "is that guy kissing his sissy" her mom said " that probably isn't his sister" as she look down not looking at us i didn't know what to say so i just contiend to kiss rose when i feel the little girl come and tap me in the leg i bent down and said "hi" she then said "sorry mister but why where you kissing your sister?" i just said "she is my girlfriend not my sister" the little girl said "oh why do you guys look so similar then her mom came and said "i'm so sorry" it was really weird

ily_flower: lol that's great

@dom_dom: lol i love that anad you guy do look like twins




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