Chapter 11: The Wedding

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I Hear a knock on the door as the maid tightens the corrset, squeezing the life out of me in the process. Eliza peeks in looking giddy, just as she had all week. It was now Saturday and Sammy and i are about to be married. I could pass out, but i want to act calmer than Alex was on his wedding day. Sammy had also invited the KING OF F**KING ENGLAND SOOOOOOOO. The pressure is on. Eliza falls back on the couch-loveseat thingy and exagerates a sigh.

"Your all grown up. Im like a proud mother."

"Youll be a real proud mother in a few months."

"Its crazy. I would have never imagined."

"Alex probably thought he'd sooner go to hell than get married. He was almost right with his big mouth- AGH FU-"

The maid pulls tightly as her finishes putting the corset on me. Eliza laughs at my pain as i endure pain. Itll all be worth it though. After much effort i get the dress on. Another knock on the door and a tall man walks in. He's obviously wealthy....Wait...Eliza perks up and bows.

"Your majesty!" She does this rather gracefully. I on the other hand...

"YoUr MaJeStY!" I try to bow in the big dress and nearly fall over. I can hear Eliza giggle, but the king just smiles wide and hugs me to death.


I cant move. Partly due to the tight hug, but also because i didn't really expect the king to be like this. He's said to be a great ruler who crushes his foes, but right now he's acting like one of my female friends. I think it suits him better though.

"Hi, um..." i dont know what to call him...

"Oh, just George, hun. You are like my sister in law now."

"Hey George. Thank you for comming. Its an honor."

"AH! but the pleasure is all mine. Besides, we're going to be FAST friends!"

Alex opens the door holding in a smile.

"We're waiting for the blushing bride."

I look one more time in the mirror before we all leave to get in place. I take Alex's arm and breath in. They open the chaple doors and we walk down the aisle. At the alter, Samuel holds out his hand for me to take. He's smiling as i take his hand and stand in front of him. Its like a dream as we say our vows. Its like the world is so much brighter. The after party was just as great. Alex got drunk with his friends, George danced around, and Samuel and i spent the whole time together. Suddenly there's a loud beeping as Samuel is talking. Everything fades away and i wake up, smashing my alarm clock like the hulk.  I sit up in my PJs and get out of bed. What a crazy dream. Seemed so real. I think about it as i get dressed. Alex calls from downstairs that we're gonna be late if i dont hurry up. We walk to school together. I skip, exited to see my crush Samuel Seabury at school.



Thank you all for reading! Its been fun writing this and i hope you all enjoyed it. Good bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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