Chapter Six: Sick

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Jungkook's POV
I had my driver escort me home to eat lunch. I walked inside to see an annoyed Lisa sitting at the dinning room table.

"Tell me, why is there a pregnant man locked up in our house?!" Lisa yelled, clearly not in a good mood.

My eyes widened. I was surprised that she already knew.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"That's not important. The fact is that you kidnapped someone! What are you going to do? Take the baby and say that we adopted it?" Lisa yelled as she crossed her arms.

I looked at her not sure what to say. It was something that I was thinking of.

"Didn't you say you wanted a baby?" I asked trying to make the situation somewhat better.

"Not this way! Maybe through adoption, but this is crazy!" Lisa scoffed.

I laid back in my chair as I looked at her.

"Well I can't do anything now," I whispered.

She looked at me with observing eyes. Then something changed. It was like she had an epiphany.

"Oh my god... You like him! How long has this been going on?" Lisa asked with some excitement.

"What are you talking about. We were just hooking up for the past two years. Nothing special," I responded, trying to make it sound like nothing.

"Two years! And you let me pretend to try to make this marriage work! Why didn't you tell your father or something? Maybe you could finally convince our fathers that were weren't meant for each other, since you finally found something you like besides work. Maybe our fathers would finally realize that there obsesión with work is silly," Lisa said throwing a throw pillow at me.

"That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you I was seeing someone. My father will kill him and the baby as soon as he finds out. First of all,this happened while we were married. Second of all, Taehyung is a poor bartender living with two other guys. It's better this way," I said.

Lisa gave me a funny look.

"So that somehow gave you the logic in your mind to kidnap him?" Lisa said with a annoyed tone.

"Well I could take care of the baby and say he or she is adopted. That's the best I could do. Taehyung has no means to raise a child," I stated.

"This is ridiculous and illegal. I hope you will finally see how stupid this is. That poor boy loves that child," Lisa muttered before standing up and storming off.

I sighed. I should of known she wouldn't understand.

A maid entered the room.

"Master, Taehyung is not eating properly. I thought you should know," the girl said, bowing her head to me.

I stood up surprised a little bit worried. Was it possible that I was stressing him to much? I walked to his room.

Namjoon's POV
Jin was extremely worried about Taehyung. We tried notifying the police that we believe the kidnapper to be his ex boyfriend, but the police simply say there is no evidence to state a claim. It was like they were all paid off.

Jin was sitting down at the dinning table with bags under his eyes and dried tears.

"This is all my fault. If I was more careful-," Jin began to whisper.

"It isn't your fault. We'll find him. I'll get help," I said putting a hand on Jin's shoulder for comfort.

I kissed his cheek.

"Now you should get some sleep. We can't help Taehyung if your sick now," I explained.

Jin nodded in agreement. I helped Jin up and brought him to our room. Once he was in bed I stood outside of our room.

Calling Yoongi...

"Hey, I need a favor," I whispered on the phone.

Taehyung's POV
I looked at the plate of food next to me. It was testing me. However, I felt an intense sadness. Something I never felt before. It damped my hunger. I stood up, feeling dizzy.

I saw black dots in my vision. Before I knew it, I found myself falling to the floor.

Jungkook's POV
I went to check on Taehyung. I was shocked to find him on the floor.

I pulled out my phone.

Calling Jimin 😷 ...

"Hello Si-" Jimin began to say.

"Come to my house. Now," I interrupted, ending the call.

Around 10 minutes later Jimin was panting at the door. I went to the door to let him in. I opened the door as Jimin came stumbling in, still in his suit attire.

"S-sir, what's the issue?" Jimin asked between breaths.

I let him inside.

"You see, I have a friend and I don't know what's wrong with him," I stated as I hurried Jimin to Taehyung's room.

Taehyung still laid on the floor. Jimin's eyes widened as he ran towards Taehyung.

"Did you kill him?" Jimin asked as he checked for a pulse.

"What? No! Can't you tell he's still breathing! Why would you think I would kill him?" I yelled.

Jimin sighed when he felt a pulse and let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, you're kinda scary sometimes. But why did you leave him on the floor?," Jimin responded, successfully changing the subject.

"I-i didn't know what to do...," I stated as Jimin lifted Taehyung onto the bed.

I didn't realize it, but I was shaking. I was scared of losing him.

"And you called me? This boy needs a doctor or a hospital. I'll call 911," Jimin said, pulling out his phone.

Before he could start typing I took Jimin's phone.

"I-I can't. He can't leave. It's too dangerous," I said as I tried to think about what to do.

"Mr. Jeon... I know your work can be dangerous so I won't poke around too much on who this boy is, but this is serious. How about that doctor you asked Yoongi to look into... Y-you could use what you know about him," Jimin said alluding to black mailing the doctor.

After a couple minutes, I nodded. I turned away from Jimin.

I pulled out my phone scrolling through Yoongi's information to find the right number.

Calling 1112223333...

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment! Sorry this chapter is short. I really wanted to save what is happening next for the next chapter. Anyways, what do you think is Hoseok's secret?

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