I went back to the kitchen. All of the boys was there.
"Hi pretty boy! How are you?" Niall said.
"Shut up" I said. I was angry because of the strenger.
"Hey, chill. Waht happen"
"Someone closer to us have a crush on him and write him from unknown number"
"Oooo, Who is the lucky girl?" Louis asked
"It's boy" I said.
The boys looked at me shooked.
"What?" I asked
"You are... Gay?" Harry and Niall said in one voice
"No! What the hell?! I'm straight! Seriosly, boys?"
"We can't know everything. It is just a guess" Harry said
"I am going to my bedroom" I said
"Wait" Liam said "Simon want to meet with us. Something about the tour maybe we can't go in Tokyo"
"What?! Why? In Tokyo are the best concerts!"
"The time is little." Liam contins
"Then... Why don't we cancel one of the concert in London? They are too much." I said
"That is idea"
*Two hours later*
"NO WAY!" Simon totaly refuls my idei
"But" I started
"SHUT THE HELL UP!We can't do that! London love you and the fans always buy more tickets than the other sides"
"And you will cancel the concert in Tokyo?"
"That can't say now. We will see"
FanficZayn Malik was laying in his bed when everything changed. One call and his life wasn't the same.