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The coming weeks were difficult to say the very least. It was hard for Harry to not think about Louis at night, when there's no distractions. During the day, Harry tried to do as much as possible to control his thoughts. He still went to school and tried to pay attention as much as possible to not let his thoughts drift in the wrong direction, because once that happens, it's impossible to go back.

His best friend, Niall, was the most supportive person on earth, he's been by his side every time Harry called him and had a breakdown. He didn't see his other friends Liam and Zayn as often now because they're at uni now, just like Louis. In the past, they used to meet up as a group, which probably won't happen anymore now.

Harry regretted making Louis choose, he wished he would have never brought that topic up again but now as he's done it, he's not gonna take it back and beg Louis to get back together. He wished they were, though.

He'd never felt like he felt now. In the night, he thinks about all their time together. They started off as friends when Louis was still in high school and the two of them had a class together. But already then, Niall and their other friends could tell they'd end up as couple because they were acting like soulmates, which was probably true. At a party, they had their first kiss. Harry had been drunk and every time he's drunk he does things without thinking about the consequences (like every drunk person probably does). Louis had walked up to him and had asked worriedly if he's alright and just like that, Harry had kissed him quickly and answered, "Yup." The next morning, Louis had asked him to be his boyfriend. That was one year ago, and it's been the best year Harry's ever had.

He's currently at home, sniveling while looking at the photo album Louis had gotten him a few months ago for their one year anniversary, when he got a call from Niall. Harry quickly wiped his nose and answered.

"Hello?" he asked even though he knew it's Niall. "Yeah, Harry, hi. Do you wanna come to a party with me and a few others?" his best friend offered. Harry hesitated and looked up at the clock in his room. It was already 9 pm. "Tonight?" he asked, unsure. "Yeah, of course! Nick Grimshaw is throwing it at his house." Harry could already hear his smirk over the phone and rolled his eyes. "Alright, yes, I'll go."

Arriving at the house, Harry noticed there were already a lot of people there and drunk as well. A small group was standing near the door, smoking and it instantly reminded him of Louis. He wouldn't be here, would he? The boy hated Nick, for whatever reason.

In the next hour, Harry planned on getting drunk as heck, since today was an especially weak day for him. When he already downed around half a dozen shots on a table with friends and strangers, he could see Nick, the host, approaching. His eyes were on Harry. "Haz!" he shouted, pleasantly surprised. He was reminded of Louis again, since only he used to call him that. Maybe that's why Louis' hated him, he stole his nicknames.

Harry smiled friendly. "Hey Nick," he slurred a bit. "How's it going?" Nick grinned and sat down next to him. "Good, good, thanks for asking. I'm glad you came," the older boy answered and put his hand on Harry's elbow. "D' you want a drink? I can make you something," Harry wanted to decline, but Niall cut in, "Yeah! And make me one, too, please."

A few hours later, Harry was full-on drunk and sitting on one of the couches with Nick, crying and telling him about their breakup. Nick laid a hand on his leg and tried to comfort him, but to no avail. "He's a dumbass, you know? Nobody in their right mind would not want to be with you, let alone choose you over something stupid like that," Nick stated and rubbed his thigh.

"Maybe I was too harsh, he's addicted, I shouldn't have been so selfish and-" Nick cut him off, "You're anything but selfish, babe. Trust me. You were just thinking about yourself for once which is a good thing, seriously. Breaking up with him was the right choice." Harry didn't know how to answer, so he shrugged his shoulders. He didn't feel like breaking up was the right choice, though.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom," Harry told him and went upstairs. Standing in front of the mirror, he wondered how he ended up like this: drunk, sad, heartbroken and madly in love.

Without thinking, he grabbed his phone and dialed Lou's number. They haven't talked since they called it quits three weeks ago, but Harry was crying and only one person could make him better.

It rang for a while and when the thought that Louis might be sleeping hit him Harry wanted to hang up. At exactly that moment, he could hear Louis picking up. "Harry??" He sounded off. Not tired, but exhausted, kinda. Without thinking - again - Harry blurted. "Lou!" Anxiously, he brought up his fingers and chewed on them. There was silence so Harry spoke again. "I missed your voice so much so I called you. Can we talk?" Harry asked cautiously, voice slurring and shaking as he was trying not to cry.

"A-Are you drunk? Where are you? Is Niall with you?" Now he sounded a bit worried, which he always was when Harry drank alcohol. "I'm at a party," he answered and remembered Louis asked something else. "Yes, he's just downstairs, I think." Louis let out a relieved breath. "Okay, good. Listen, I don't think we should talk, Harry." Harry gasped. "Why??" "Haz, you broke up with me. You can't just call me and... you're... drunk."

Louis didn't want to talk to him. "O-okay," Harry said and tears began to leak down his face once again. "Sorry..." He tried not to make it obvious how that was getting to him. There was officially no hope of getting back together anymore, Louis was over him, he didn't want anything to do with him.

Without meaning to, Harry let out a sob and grasped onto his phone desperately, wanting Louis to hang up already. Instead, he heard a frustrated sound. "Please, Harry, please stop crying," he begged on the other line. But Harry couldn't stop, as much as he wanted to. All this time, he had thought there was some kind of way they could get back together but it was in fact totally over for Louis when Harry said it.

"I'm sorry I called, Lou. I love you," he cried into the phone and ended the call miserably.

1128 words

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