Do angels even exist?

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Someone once told me that if you found a feather laying around in an unexpected place it was a sign from the angels. It meant that your gaurdian angel was watching you. This was something that stuck to my mind. Something that never really made much sense to me but I was completely consumed by the idea of this and I spend a lot of time thinking about it.

I remember one time when I found a feather in the elevator, I mean that is defenetly an unexpected place for a feather to be at. I was so happy so content to know that this guardian angel is keeping me safe and guarding me from all the evil. I took the feather home that one day and it is still laying on top of my night stand as a constant reminder of that day.

But is this story really true I question? It has been little over 3 years since that happened and I have only been through agony and pain this couple of years. It started with my father dying in a car crash. It was just a normal day and he was driving of to work and some drunk driver hit him right in the side of the car. It flipped three times they said before finally stopping upside down and crushing my dad that somehow ended up under the it.

Where was the guardian angel when that happened? Then some few weeks later my mom got really sick she has been depressed for a long time now and the accident to my father only made it worse. She stopped sleeping and eating all together and only sat on the chair in their bedroom looking out the window. Where was the angel then?

Oh, and also my grandfather passed away just 1 year ago in some weird circumstances. He was a very healthy man despite his age but one day he just fainted from nowhere grabbing his chest and it turned out to be a heart attack. The man had the most healthiest heart in the whole family and never struggled with high blood pressure or other things that could put pressure on the heart. So again, where was my guardian angel then?

I sit on my bed looking at the feather. It is slightly swaying from side to side because of the open window in my bedroom. It was apparently so special but now I really don't know.  I have to go back to my boring work, I thought as I looked at the clock. I sigh but put on my jacket and shoes leaving my one room apartment and starting to walk down the street like I always do.

First I will walk past the grocery store and then the dog shelter. Then I will make a left turn and walk past the flowers shop. After that I need to go through the town square and on the other side of the street lyes my time consuming job. Don't get me wrong I know there are a lot of people that can't get a job for shit and they try and try but nothing works, I know that. It must be really hard for them but I just can't enjoy my time there. It was never something I imagened myself doing. I imagened myself traveling the world, seeing different places different cultures, maybe even sky diving or bunjee jumping since I am an extreme adrenalin junkie but I don't have any money for that or time. That is because of that job. I need it to get money but if I am at work I don't have the time. So no matter what I choose it is a loose, loose situation for me.

So life is pretty boring right now. I look up finding myself in the middle of the town square. I thought it the would be filled with people but there are surprisingly not a single soul out here. Maybe it is because of the snow that is falling down and colouring the streets in white or maybe it is because of the insanely cold temperature. I keep walking rapidly trying to get to my work place before I freeze to death, when I could suddenly hear a weird sound. It was like somebody was calling for me.

I looked around but there was still no people outside. So what was that? I shake my head thinking to myself that I am just simply going crazy. So I keep walking.

Suddenly something heavy falls right infront of me and nearly crushes me. The shock wave of the object throws me to the side and I fall down on the cold and hard sidewalk. It took me awhile to gather myself from the hit but I soon lifted my face up to see a girl laying in the massive whole on the ground. She looks really wounded and I try to move over to her.

I look around to see if anyone saw and felt the impact but still there is no one there. Is this a joke? How come there is no people in the normaly bussy town square witnessing this right now?
I keep moving towards the girl taking in her apearance. She has long white wavy hair that is now dirty because of the fall. There is blood coming from the side of her head and her long white dress is dirty and ripped on one of the sides. After stepping a bit closer I notice something weird but it soon disapeared. Like it got scared away when I saw it. I swear for a second it looked like the girl had wings.

I finally fall on my knees next to her. I was hurting really bad from the shock wave, I think I have cracked my ribs or something because it really hurt. I pushed that pain away for now to focus on the girl.

"Hey, do you here me?
I manage to speak out and looked at her. No answer. I look at her helplessly.

"Right I am calling the ambulance.
I say before I start to search for my phone in my pocket but I get stopped by a cold hand on top of my forearm. I look up scared and see the girl looking at me with tired light blue eyes that still manage to shine right into my soul.

"Please don't.
She says pleading.

"But you are hurt.
I say with a scared and concerned voice. How is this girl even alive right now. She just fell like, RIGHT FROM THE FREAKING SKY.
I look up trying to see where the girl might have fallen from but there are no buildings close by because we are located in the middle of the square. I shake my head again trying to make sense of what the hell I just witness.

"Please just help me but no cops or doctors.

I answer not knowing really what I could do to help. It's not like I am a nurse or something. I decided to  carefully carry the girl that was as heavy as a feather in my arms. I decided not to question it, not to question anything that just happened to be honest. I just hope that when I get back to my apartment and maybe get a little sleep I would wake up to notice that this is all was just a crazy dream. Yeah, that is what I am hoping for, I think while while I walk with the mysterious girl in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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