chapter 34 ~ blind

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cassie's pov

i woke up to feeling myself slightly jolting up on my seat. confused, i opened my eyes to see that we were still on the bus.

"LEXI YOU IDIOT WHAT THE HELL DID YOU RUN OVER?!" becca screamed, being the kind, caring person she is to her lovely best friend. i'm guessing that this is what made the vehicle jump up slightly


"WELL PUT YOUR GLASSES ON, YOURE BLIND ENOUGH" becca continued, maintaining quite an amusing conversation. i slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, waiting for lexi to reply, but instead noah spoke - or shouted

"JESUS CHRIST YOUVE WOKE THE BEAST" he yelled, referring to me as the beast. they all find it hilarious that i tend to be really grumpy when i'm woken up.

"EVERYONE HIDE!" amelia laughed, joining in with the others. i ignored them and pulled my blanket over my head, somehow making them laugh more

"nevermind she's going back to sleep"

"DONT LET HER SLEEP WE'RE ALMOST THERE" lexi shouted again, much louder than needed

"calm down babe" i heard mikey chuckle and i saw him gently place his hand over lexi's which i found adorable.

i sat up properly, pushing my blanket off of me and rubbing my eyes. i looked out of the window to see the landscape surrounding us; there were tall green trees guiding a path for the little streams, lined with ash-coloured pebbles. faint, but clearly visible clouds were brushed across the huge canvas sky, the background painted with pastel pinks and red. i saw a lake come into view, the waters surface mirroring the pigmentation of the sky. standing behind that lake was a giant, cottage like house - the lake house
(a/n thank you chels for 'treeish trees', 'skyish sky' and 'housey house' smileforroadtrip )

we turned a corner and pulled into the driveway of this mansion-like building as we all stared at it in awe.

"blood hell she is rich" i heard becca mumble from the back of the bus, but lexi also heard

"I MAY BE BLIND BUT IM NOT DEAF" she shouted which made us laugh. looks like this little 'argument' is going to last the remainder of the day

we all pushed our way out of the bus and opened up the back, searching for our belongings. i stepped back as i watched amelia scurry through her bag and around every one else's as she tried to find something of hers

"i can't find my other shoes!" she cried as everyone let out a sigh.

"i mean we had to expect it, it's got to have happened at least ten times by now" i spoke, letting out a slight laugh. i watched as rye came up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist to hug her from behind, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek to calm her down

"don't worry gorgeous, i'm sure we'll find them" he reassured, resting his head on her shoulder. she smiled and picked up her bag as we all walked inside the house. lexi turned around in front of us to speak to us all

"to start off the weekend i think tonight we should have a HOT TUB PARTY!" she shouted and we all cheered. this place even has a hot tub which i'm assuming is to fit all eleven of us in

i can confirm that this will be the best birthday i've ever had

i can confirm every chapter after this will be gOoD

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