chapter 37 ~ waffles

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cassie's pov

i woke up feeling so comfortable and relaxed, cuddling into my pillow until i realised, pillows don't feel human-like. i wasn't sleeping on a pillow. i was sleeping on a person. i opened my eyes and looked up to see jack looking back at me with a slightly nervous expression. he was shirtless and i was wearing his hoodie. oh no

"d-did we. . ." i stuttered, my mind racing to the worst possibility

"no! no we didn't" he chuckled,
"you were really drunk when i tried to get you to sleep and you wouldn't let me leave" he explained. i relaxed my shoulders, feeling better that we hadn't made another drunk mistake

"y-you're alright with this aren't you?" he asked, still nervous

"yes of course" i giggled slightly, resting my head back on his chest,
"i wouldn't let you leave anyway so it's not your fault" i cuddled further into him and he smiled, wrapping his arms around me. but, he still seemed quite tense like he was still worried about something

"are you still not letting me leave?" he asked softly, a small smile on his face

"nope" i smiled, cuddling into his chest. he turned over so i was no longer laying on his chest and wrapped his arms around me, holding me in a tight embrace. i buried my head into his chest and we stayed in a peaceful silence for a while

"OH MY GOD THEY SLEPT TOGETHER" lexi shouted way too loudly to everyone behind her. her and the other girls were standing in the doorway

"NO WAY, REALLY?" amelia shouted back. shouldn't they be hungover?

"WE DIDNT SLEEP TOGETHER, SHUT UP!" i screamed, putting my hand on my head and sitting up

"she's awake, run!" becca hurried as they all sprinted away from the door. jack chuckled, pushing himself up to lean against the headboard of the bed. he didn't seem hungover so he can't have drunk a lot last night, especially since he was trying to look after me which is quite embarrassing to think about. knowing me, i probably said something i'll regret

"what you thinking about?" he curiously asked, running his hand through his hair. i couldnt help but let my eyes follow his hand, staring at his dark hair

"i was just trying to remember if i said anything stupid last night" i replied

"oh" he chuckled,
"you were being quite stupid" he laughed and i cringed at the thought of the idiotic things i could have done

"i didn't say anything i'll regret did i?" i asked, laughing slightly. i noticed he hesitated slightly, as if he wasn't entirely sure how to answer

"no, you didn't" he answered, but the look on his face said otherwise. oh no. maybe it's for the best that he didn't tell me, because whatever i said, i know i'll regret it even more if i knew what i was

"well we should probably get up" i said, looking at my phone to see that it was 12:45. whoops. i shuffled over and stood up from the bed, instantly feeling a shooting pain through head and a wave of dizziness

"you alright?" jack asked as he got up

"i drank way too much" i giggled, putting my hand on my head

"get back in bed, i'll go get you some breakfast" he said, sitting me back down. i tried to refuse but he insisted, so i stayed where i was while he walked out of the bedroom. i couldn't help but watch him leave, being able to see his bare, toned back. his scent stayed lingering around the room since i was still wearing his hoodie, making me feel safe.

the warm, home-like smell triggered a part of my brain to remember memories from the past, so i reached for my bag which was sitting under the bed. inside of the bag was a pile of photos i'd printed off which were of me and my family. i always looks through them every year on my birthday, but i'd forgot to yesterday. a few of them included jack since his family was in practically ours. the corners of my lips turned into a smile as i thought of how close we all used to be

"i made waffles! but i burnt them. but i made waffles!" jack announced as he walked back into the room, his voice going from excited, to disappointed, to excited again. i let out a little laugh as he sat down in front of me, placing a plate in front of me. he also put a glass of water and a tablet on the side to help with my hangover, which i thanked him for

"everyone's either still asleep or watching movies" he told me, informing me about how exciting everyone's life is today. i nodded

"these are actually good" i said, taking a bite out of one of the waffles and jack smiled, proud of himself.

"what are these?" he asked, his eyes pointing at the pile of photos i had sitting beside me

"oh just some photos from an album. i always look through them on my birthday" i explained, putting my plate to the side as i'd finished eating

"can i see them?" he asked and i nodded, handing them to him. i analysed his face as he flicked through them, seeing a smile appear on his face at the pictures of us together. it was the first time in a long time that i'd seen him genuinely smile, and it made me smile too. he handed them back to me once he'd finished and smiled

"i miss that" he spoke, referring to all the adventures our families would go on together. i smiled as i skimmed back through them

"me too" i admitted, craving the perfect life we used to live

"y-you should come with me next time i go home to see my family. they miss you" he said and i smiled. i haven't seen his family in around three years, and i missed them too

"we'll have to see"

i didn't know how to end this chapter oof

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